


The long-awaited moment was here and I was finally going to get some answers. I turned my attention from the food to Viktor. I needed to know if they knew why I was like this. Were there others like me out there? I had hoped he’d bring back news of someone else like me that I could talk to.

The only other person I’ve met with control over something was Clara and hers were more like powers. When she was guarding me I didn’t think to ask about them. Now that I think about it, I doubt she would have opened up to me. She didn’t talk that much. Jake and I watched Viktor pick up his utensils and I waited anxiously for news.

“The elders said there was a pack that had special abilities,” Viktor said as he cut into his chicken.

“What? I mean, that’s something, right? I’ve never heard it!” I said. “Where are they? Who are they?

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