
I'm Not Afraid of Your Face


Ruby began to panic, then got out of bed and groped around. The light switch was quite far from the bed. There was a faint light coming in through the partially closed curtains. Ruby could see a figure crouched on the floor, but it was still dim.

"What do you want?" Ruby inquired, feeling a bit relieved upon finding the switch and flicking it on. The room brightened, and the strange figure was clearly startling to Ruby.

"Ed?" Ruby stood still for a few seconds, convincing herself that Ed really needed help. She was worried he might just be drunk. Ruby didn't want to approach Ed if he was drunk.

But upon seeing Ed still hunched over with beads of sweat trickling down his neck, Ruby knew something was seriously wrong and immediately approached him.

"Ed? What's wrong?"

As she leaned in closer, Ruby only then realized that whatever Ed was suffering from was serious. It was confirmed by the groans and short, hurried breaths.


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