

Debby spent her break the following day at work, after work, reading up on leukemia and its forms and causes.

This bloody blood cancer.

She went ahead to look at her family history. Someone in her family had blood cancer and of course, that someone was her dad. He was said to have died and she began to wonder if her dad had leukemia long before he gave birth to her.

Because, if that was the case, then probably she must have inherited a faulty gene from him but then again, she wondered how long he's been with the faulty gene.

That was the only explanation for this occurrence. She began to be curious about how her father could have gotten cancer in the first place.

Debby looked up all forms of blood cancer. Yes, she was a doctor and should know already but the depth she went to with studying the illness, it could be understood that there was a hunger in her soul to find some sort o

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