

As I drove away from Lucas’ engagement party that night, my heart seemed to have left me to travel alone. I notice that a large part of me was left behind, left behind with Deborah. The scent of her skin lingered in my memory. I never knew the dress I picked would be that good on her. So good was it that I cannot wait to get back into her arms and roam my fingers through the slit all over her body.

“Fuck me!” I found myself yelling out loud as I stepped harder on the car so I can get to where I was going on time and come back to the only woman whose thought alone was strong enough to make me get hard, harder than I have ever been even when ramming other ladies.

I don’t understand her grip on my heart. Wherever I go, I always want to fall back into her arms. She had charmed me with her love, she might not know it, but my world is gradually revolving around her.

“Deborah! I will soon make you

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