

Fragments of his dreams appeared and drifted through his mind. He seemed to be led by his thoughts.

In his sleep, he saw a little boy of his age. That boy had the same features as him – soft hair and beautiful arching brows – but his pretty face seemed be a little indifferent.

In his dreams, that boy always stood far from him and looked distant. With his back on him, he silently walked away, looking far ahead.

It felt so real it was almost touchable.

He desperately chased after that boy, but no matter how much he walked or ran, he could never catch up.

His heart beat faster and faster as the boy walked further and further away; he would wake up at this point.

He woke up in a cold perspiration, physically exhausted from the realistic dream.

There were a few times when, in the dreams, his soul would get sucked into the body of that boy as he lay paralyzed in bed.

As the Little prince emerged from his thoughts, He looked unblinkingly at his twin.

“It’s you!”

He cried out in surprise.

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