
95. Not decent enough

After all, Weston, who was used to good food and good life since young, had neither seen nor tasted cheap vermicelli before.

Don’t tell me that he has never eaten a cheap soup of ramen noodles in his whole life despite his wealth?

Oh, that is possible.

This is a common man’s food. He won’t have a chance to eat it as an elite.

She fell silent from the absurdity of this fact.

Placing the chopsticks and spoon on the table, the man predictably took them up and started wolfing down the noodles.

He actually seemed to be enjoying the meal.

Outside the window, sunlight spilled in through the windowsill.

He sat with his back erect. Even while he was busy with the noodles, he was still elegant and peaceful in his mannerism. There was no sound coming from him.

She now fully believed that he was an elite – one who had received excellent etiquette training – after witnessing his behavior at the dining table.

He might be holding the most ordinary bowl of noodles in his hands, but his every action and mannerism revealed an aristocratic elegance.

This sophistication was not pretentious. This table etiquette was inculcated to him for over a decade. The formalities were a part of his persona now.

Yuna pouted dismally when she saw that her share of vermicelli had been snatched by the man. In the end, she resignedly returned to the kitchen to make another share for herself.

By the time she carried out the second bowl of noodles, the man had already finished the noodles in his bowl without a sound. It seemed to suit his taste as the bowl was wiped clean without leftover.

She took a look at the bowl. It was really empty. He had finished his food elegantly; no soup stain was spilled on the tabletop.

The etiquette of aristocrats is so tedious, isn’t it?

She mouthed the comment inwardly as she took a seat at the dining table. Holding the bowl, she was in the middle of happily gobbling the food down when she saw him eye it.

“This is mine!” she declared unhappily. To be exact, that bowl of noodles he had just finished was supposed to be hers, too.

Seeing the covetous look in his eyes, she quickly shielded the bowl with her hands. She feared that he would also snatch this one, so she warned him, “This bowl of noodles is mine.”

“Cook one more bowl for me,” he demanded. He had just finished a bowl, yet he was still feeling unfulfilled.

She had obviously underestimated his appetite. He was a man, after all, and had gone without food for a night. It was only natural for him to feel very hungry now.

Her brows lowered frostily, and she simply told him, “Go and cook one for yourself if you still want to eat!”

He looked at her straight in the face. “I don’t know how to cook.”

“You can’t cook? Then, you deserve to go hungry!”

She chillingly said, not at all surprised to find his handsome face sinking thereafter.

She was feeling smug inside. After being tormented so many times by him, she finally had a chance to take a dig at him! So, she resolved to make him watch in suffering as she enjoyed this meal!

May you die hungry!

She swore at him inwardly with much satisfaction. Skillfully holding up the noodles with the chopsticks, she sucked the strands down her throat.


Unlike him, she was not elegant when she ate the noodles. For him, be it eating a meal with or without noodles or doing something else altogether, everything must be done in an aristocratic manner.

To her, noodles were meant to be sucked!

She was really hungry right now and was too lazy to bother about table etiquette and whatnot before him. She stuffed her mouth with food in large portions.

Moreover, when she ate the noodles, it was difficult for her not to make any sound.

Weston frowned, finding her rather uncouth. Somehow, her eating mannerism, coupled with the sipping sound when she sucked the noodles, seemed to make that bowl of food more appetizing.

Yuna was busy enjoying her food, falling to notice that he had crept from his seat to her side. He suddenly leaned forward, caught hold of her hand that was holding the chopsticks, and covered her mouth with his. In one move, he effortlessly slurped the noodle strands that were in her mouth into his.

He chewed the delicious food, moving all corners of his mouth in obvious enjoyment of the taste.

She was stunned and then roughly wiped her mouth with the back of her hand before she pushed that bowl of noodles in front of him. She had lost her appetite after being teased by him.

“You can have this; I’m not eating anymore!”

“Why? Are you mad?”

“I can’t be bothered with you. Go and finish the vermicelli!”

She silently glared at him and headed over to the washroom to dry the laundry, which had just been washed.

He was delighted over her indignant look and went back to the table to finish the remaining noodles with much satisfaction.

When she was done hanging the clothes, the dining table was already empty.

Water was heard splashing from the showerhead inside the bathroom.

Occasionally, the man could be heard cursing.

Having spent a day at the stuffy hospital and having perspired much from eating that heady meal, Weston decided to take a shower.

He did not expect to find fault with the water heater, though. This was a grave inconvenience for a young master like him who was used to a good life.

Yuna’s mouth twitched. This man had really taken this house as his!

Just as she finished washing the dishes, there was a knock on the door from the outside.

Quizzically, she went to open the door and was dumbstruck by the scene outside.

Standing along the narrow corridor were two rows of expressionless men in black suits.

The two men standing in front of the respective queues walked into the apartment, uninvited, with a pile of clean clothes in their hands.

At this moment, the door to the shower room opened, and he walked out with a sullen face.

Weston’s face was dark from having to use the faulty water heater.

The men in suits stood at attention on one side and passed him the clothes. He had a teddy bear bath towel wrapped around his lower body while his upper torso was entirely naked. Water droplets lined his muscular profile in a sexy and charming way as he wiped his damp hair with a towel.

Her gaze fell on the teddy bear bath towel, and she was instantly piqued. This towel was specifically bought for Youyou. After each bath, the little lad would wrap himself in this towel, which covered his body just right. However, on this man, it could only barely cover his midsection, including his private parts.

“Hey.” She pointed at the bath towel on him neutrally. “That’s Youyou’s.”

Unhappy, he threw her a sidelong glare. “So?”

“My son has obsessive compulsive behavior,” she mocked him with a straight face.

With a twitch of his mouth, he could no longer maintain his grace. “Woman, how dare you let my son stay in such a run-down place?”

“Run-down?!” she instinctively reacted in anger, finding him unreasonable. “The monthly rental f*e for this so-called run-down place is a few thousand dollars! I’m not like you, Master, with your rich family. This place is decent enough, except for that faulty water heater!”

Calling this place run-down, this man is simply too much! Does he think that everyone else is like him, coming from a rich family with a heap of fortune to spend?

This is the capital! It isn’t a small city from second or third tier. The stretch of condos over here may not be deemed as high class, but they are still costly!

He actually rebutted, “Such a run-down place and you still need to pay rent?”

“Yes, of course…”

The men in suits waited on him as the man changed into the set of fresh clothes. He impatiently rubbed his damp hair before he walked up to her and held her up.

“Let’s go.”

“Ah—where are we going?!”

“I’m not letting my woman and son stay in this pigsty.”

Pigsty? Wait a minute; did he just call my house a pigsty?!

She was about to explode when he strode over and, without any explanation, half lifted and half carried her off to the entrance. With a kick, the door opened.

The landlord, who was staying across her unit, heard the commotion and opened the door to investigate. She was astonished to see the stairway congested with men in dark suits.

She lifted her head to see a tall, broad man about to carry a woman down the stairs. Once she got over her shock and recognized the woman for her tenant, she quickly went up to her and said, “Hey, I haven’t seen you around in these past two days. For this month’s rental f*e, you—”

Yuna was renting one of the apartment units under this landlord’s name. The woman initially bought two apartments; one of which was purchased as a future wedding home for her son.

However, the son and her had issues, and It was a waste to leave it empty. So, the woman had it leased after some simple renovation.

Before she could finish her words, Weston impatiently replied, “We aren’t renting this place anymore!”

“Huh?” The landlord was dumbfounded as she watched them leave the place.

“Director, how about this unit? This place measures 532 square meters and is fitted with seven rooms, three halls, and five security guards. It also comes with a private garden and a swimming pool. The villa has a total of five floors and a private elevator.”

Inside a real estate company’s headquarters, a manager coyly presented a selection of luxurious villas to the cold and aloof man sitting on the sofa.

Weston took the brochure from his hands, glanced at it, and bowed his head to ask for the opinion of the woman in his arms.

“Do you like it?”

Yuna was still somewhat in a daze as she shook her head.

When she rejected with a shake of her head, the man did not pursue the reason for it and just neutrally looked at the manager, who was full of anticipation. “Change!”

“Sure! Director, please wait a moment!”

The manager did not express any irritation as he respectfully retreated.

The woman looked up and surveyed her surroundings. To her, it was like being in a dream.

This was an upmarket residential district being developed by a real estate company under his group.

That district had villas, bungalows, and even high-end apartments available for those high-level white-collar workers. The design of the recently presented apartment was retro Mediterranean style, which was luxurious and dignified, with unique elegance. It was considered as one of the most luxurious properties in the capital.

Initially, the manager did not recognize Weston’s face and just took him for an ordinary customer, so he did not put much effort into his sales spiel.

After all, as a mere manager of a real estate company, a person with an ordinary status like him would normally have no chance to meet such a CEO in person.

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