
You Shouldn’t be in here

Anna’s POV

I stood at the entrance of the Grayson mansion, my heart pounding as I stared at the luxurious building. I had been so thrilled to get this job that I never paused to consider what would happen once I did. Now, standing before the mansion doors, I was filled with fear.

It was eight in the morning, and I had left my children at home, rushing here to make breakfast for a man I should be avoiding.

As I walked through the hallways, I couldn’t help but wonder if I had made the right decision in accepting this job.

This job was supposed to be a fresh start, a chance to give my children the life they deserved, but I could not help but wonder if I could fit in here.

“Oh, it’s you… how nice of you to join us. Keep this up, and you’ll lose your job before you even begin,” Mia’s icy voice echoed through the hallways, and I immediately turned to meet her sharp eyes, assessing me from head to toe with a coldness in her gaze that sent a shiver down my spine.

“I’m sorry Ms, I had to…” I began, but the words caught in my throat. I wanted to carve a new life here and couldn’t risk exposing my children. My palms grew clammy as I fought to maintain my composure.

Mia quirked her brows, her intense look demanding an explanation, but before she could say anything else, Rita appeared and quickly broke the tension.

“Ms Ryan, Mr Grayson is waiting for you,” she said, handing over a stack of files to Mia just before she turned and left.

Unlike Mia, Rita wore a fake, benign smile, one I was sure she must have spent hours in the mirror practicing, as she approached me. However, I could tell there was something about her that felt off and made me uneasy.

“Anna, dear, glad you could make it. I see Ms. Ryan is still giving you a tough time,” she began and then leaned in, “Don’t take it personally, she’s like that to everyone. Just keep out of her way and you won’t have any problems.”

“Come, let me show you around the mansion. You need to know your way around and the areas you should avoid, or you could easily get lost here.”

Later that morning, after the tour of the mansion, I began my chores, dusting and organizing the shelves in the old library.

Being an avid reader and lover of books, this library was a literary paradise to me. There were collections from almost every author I loved, and I found myself drawn to the collection in the east wing.

I reached out to pull one of the books on the shelf when I caught a whiff of strong cinnamon oak perfume. My body immediately tensed up as I soon realized who it was,

“What are you doing here?” His voice was rough and cold, and immediately I trembled in fear.

Mia had made it clear: I had to stay away from her boyfriend if I wanted to keep my job.

Slowly, I pushed back the Jane Austen book I was about to pick up, and turned to meet Mark’s quizzical gaze.

“I-I… I’m sorry sir, I didn’t think anyone would be here,” I stammered, desperately trying to avoid his piercing gaze.

He stared at me for a while, then shifted his gaze to the shelf.

“Jane Austen. She’s a good read,” Mark said, picking up the book.

“You can keep it,” he said with a soft look on his face and turned to walk away.

I was perplexed by his demeanor and managed to compose myself enough to look up.

But then, as if he had just remembered something, he suddenly stopped and turned toward me.

“Oh, I noticed you were not on time to make my breakfast today. If this should happen again, there will be consequences,” Mark said and shot me a warm smile.

I didn’t know what to feel or say. Despite his cold threats, his expression was oddly calm. It was safe to assume my new boss could be psychotic, yet for some reason, I felt a strange comfort and familiarity whenever I spoke to him which only made me more intrigued.

My eyes trailed him as he walked towards the door, and that was when I noticed Rita staring at me with a piercing look. She handed Mark his briefcase and informed him Mia was waiting for him.

As soon as Mark walked away, she quickly approached me, and this time I could tell by the evident frown on her face that she despised me.

“Looks like you’re done here. Your next task is to clear out the gutter, and when you’re done with that, report to me for your next assignment,” Rita said coldly.

“I’m sorry, Ms. but that wasn’t part of the roles I was assigned,” I argued weakly.

Her gaze immediately turned cold as she glared at me. “Are you questioning me?” She snarled

“Let me make one thing clear, Anna. Your job is to do whatever I tell you to do, got that?!”

“I’m in charge here, and if you ever defy or question me again, I will have you sweating it out in the garden! Remember you’re just a common maid. Know your place.”

I nodded weakly, swallowing my arguments. Her words cut deep, but I had to control my tears from forming.

Eight years, I’d worked so hard and given it my all to have a better life, but still, I hadn’t gone anywhere far, and now I was just some common maid, a nobody.

At that moment, I couldn’t help but wonder how things would be if Luke had never called off our wedding. This was all my fault.

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes now, but still, I couldn’t let myself give in.

As long as I could provide for my children and pay Julia’s hospital bills, I would take their insults and abuse.

I remained quiet, afraid to utter another word. Rita glared at me and then added.

“Well since it is your first day, I’ll start you off with something simple. Mr Grayson will be back later this evening. Make sure his room is cleaned top to bottom before he returns.”

I nodded and immediately walked out, heading to Mark’s room. I spent the rest of the day cleaning and dusting his room when I accidentally knocked over an old wooden box.

Quickly, I crouched down to pick up the box and then noticed an old framed picture of Mark and some woman.

Intrigued, I kept staring at her, wondering who she could be. She was beautiful, with long brown hair and caramel skin just like me. However, the most eerie part of this picture was how much this woman looked like me.

Suddenly, the doors swung open, and Mark walked in. Immediately, he saw the picture frame in my hand, and his eyes darkened with a sudden rage.

“What are you doing in my room? Who permitted you to be in here?”

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goodnovel comment avatar
Interesting chapter

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