
Chapter 3: Tragic

Chapter 3


  Remus' POV


  After the pack meeting, talking about the rogues and the condition of the royal pack, I left the hotel with Lucas and we separated ways the moment we reached the parking lot. We were not living under the same roof, you know, everyone needed privacy. I bought a place for him where he could stay, it was not as huge as my home, but it was big enough for him to shift and train, he has a wide backyard with high walls like mine, to make sure no one could see him shifting. 

  I got exhausted the whole day, so, I parked my car in my garage and went inside immediately, removed my shoes, hung my coat on one of the hooks of my wooden tree coat rack stand that was placed a few inches away from the entrance, and removed my upper clothes to take a bath. 

  The warm water from the shower washed away my exhaustion and all the sweat on my body. I shut my eyes and lifted my face so that the water would flow right through my face when I suddenly remembered that woman. I placed my hands on the walls that were made with mirrors. My face was stern and I could see the wolf within me. Later on, my silver ash fur commenced to come out deliberately on my hands and then in all parts of my body. 


  I shifted completely into a werewolf, my nose became huge and my nails grew pointedly. I was still standing and facing the mirror wall. We, werewolves, don't shift completely like wolves, I mean like an ordinary wolf, our figures were still like humans just filled with fur and our face were like a wolf. I watched myself struggling, I couldn't control myself anymore, my wolf was too angry for letting my mate away. I waited for this opportunity but I let go of her that easily. 


  My eyes filled with disappointment, but what am I supposed to do? I wasn't sure as well if the royal pack would be happy to hear that their future Luna was a human being and no blood of werewolves on her blood. And would Lenna accept my identity?


  I took a deep breath, restless. I just continued to feel the warm water to calm down myself. 


  After I showered, I shifted back to being human and dried myself with a towel. I was still worried about what to do with my mate. My wolf was angry at me but he understood my feeling, he was as well afraid to let Lenna know. But he was more upset that I was ignoring the mate bond.

  The moon was shining brightly, I was in my training room, the roof was made with unbreakable thick glass, it was transparent, clear enough for me to watch the skies. I stared at the wonderful moon for a few moments before I grabbed my gun, wore my earmuffs, and positioned myself to shoot the target board. 


  My feet were standing shoulder-width apart, I extended my hands in front of me to form an isosceles triangle, I sharpened my eyes and just focused on the target board, then bang!


  "Bullseye!" I whispered as I grinned. I trained and exercised my muscles as long as I could to make sure my body was at state in case there would be a sudden battle and although I was away from the pack, I wanted to be strong before I go back not to disappoint the pack for the trust they given to me.


  After my training, I took my phone to check the time just to get surprised that I received many missed calls and unread messages. One was from an unknown number and the others were from my human parents.


  "What the heck?! Why did they call me many times? I read my messages to check what happened but all were just asking me to call them back immediately if I'm not busy and some text was asking me where I was. 


  I raised an eyebrow, confused, I called back my father.


 His phone rang but he wasn't answering, so I called my mother instead, but just like my father, she wasn't answering her phone.


  "Now, they're the one busy," I thought, then I came across the unknown number in my call logs. I didn't have any idea who's number it was but I called it.


  "Hello?!" the voice said and my heart got fluttered. It was Lenna. Her voice was like a piece of music in my ears. My wolf was happy.

  "Lenna?" I wondered why did she call me. 

  There was a little pause for a few seconds before she started talking.


  "Remus, your brother," she sounded weak and I knew something happened.


  I gripped my phone tighter, "What happened to Rhon?!" I asked immediately, and then I heard her sob. 


  "Lenna, what happened?" I exclaimed,  I was more spineless at that moment.


  "We had an accident while heading home. Rhon is not okay, we're here in the hospital," she responded as she sobbed. 


My knees softened at what I heard, I was weakening. 


  "Which hospital are you in?" I asked and take note of the hospital name. I ran inside my car but then I got off when I remembered I had a motorbike, I drove it at its highest speed. I no longer cared about the law I had broken, the police saw me but I could outrun them, the speed of my motorbike could surpass their car's speed. 


  The moment I reached the hospital, my mother hugged me, crying on my shoulder and my father looked unhappy.


  "Is there something wrong?" I asked and my mom sobbed even louder.


  "Your younger brother is in a coma," my father replied. 


  "What?!" I exclaimed and glanced at Rhon who was laying down on the hospital bed, not moving an inch. 

  We stayed there for a long time, talking and miserable.


"Where is Lenna? I want to ask her what happened," I said when I remembered her.


  "She went outside when she found out that Rhon is in a coma. I'm going to follow after her but your father told me to let her, she needs to be alone, she's surely in shock," my mom frowned.


  I searched for Lenna, and I saw her in the hospital's garden. She was there sitting alone and anxious... I could feel her agony, all the pain she has, maybe it's because of the mate bond.


  I drew a deep breath and sauntered closer to her. 


"Are you okay?" I asked and she lifted her head in surprise.


  "Remus?" she stood up instantly when she saw me and rubbed her eyes, wiping away her tears.


  Damn, this mate bond! My heart was sinking so hard, her emotions were too strong! It's pulling me.


  "I'm sorry for what happened. What exactly happened? How did you get into an accident?" I asked and she sat down.


  I sat beside her and she said in a very weak voice, "I don't know. We were driving on a dark road when something suddenly crossed the road. It happened too fast, I couldn't see what animal it was, deer maybe. It was huge. Rhon suddenly lose control of the brake and we fell into a cliff. I thought we were going to die! And..." 


  She couldn't speak anymore, covering her face, she sobbed. I rubbed her back and I felt sorry for her, but worst my heart was as well in agony, "It's alright, I know you're still in shock. But don't worry, Rhon will going to be alright!" I said and I shuddered when he suddenly placed his head in my chest and continued to sob. 

  My wolf inside me felt livable, screaming in total happiness.

  *This isn't right!* I thought as I shut my eyes, restraining myself and just focusing on Ron situation!

  "Mine!" the wolf in me whispered into my ears! 


  I placed my hands on her shoulders and was about to push her away as cautious as I could but her beautiful eyes caught my eye. Our eyes were glued while her head was still too near to my chest! 

  "Mine!" I heard the voice again. My wolf wanted her badly, he was on his edge and I was gripping him within me. He should not come out. 


  'Let me claim her! Mark her, Remus!' he begged. 

  'Not now, please!' I pleaded.


 My heart was racing too fast and I knew she felt the same, I could feel it! Every beat of her heart make, I could feel them, her heavy breathing... her desire, everything...just everything. Her almond scent that I've been trying to ignore since a while ago was flowing through my veins!

  'Damn! I couldn't help it anymore!'

  'That's right, take her away and claim her!' my wolf was manipulating my mind. 


 I could feel myself shifting, I wanted her near me and wanted to claim her but fortunately, she moved a few inches away from me! I knew she was trying to protest what she suddenly felt, I could sense her desire, being too close to each other was only pushing us to be intimate. She's totally confused, I could sense it. She doesn't understand the mate bond.


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