


At that very moment, as soon as the door slammed open, I shuddered, swallowing the heavy lump that formed beneath my throat. It was more like a scale fell off my eyes as I soon regained my senses.

What the hell was I doing here? What in the world was I doing with him, especially at midnight?

What would Nicholas even think of me after seeing me with him in this manner? Why was I even bothered about what he thought?

Heat flushed up my cheeks as my cheeks turned red when what he had said earlier occupied my thoughts. “What did he mean by he would make me sleep?” I thought inside of me.

For a second, it made me wish that I had a time-traveling machine to go back in time and set things right. If it wasn't for the pathetic situation that I was in, I was sure that I wouldn't be here at the moment.

“I hate my life right now and I hate myself” I muttered under my breath.

Jolting me out of my thoughts, Ethan walked past me, his shoulder brushing past mine as goosebumps soon littered
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