
chapter 56


"Long time no see Inaya, How have you been?" Azziz greeted me with a smile.

He extended his hand to shake mine, so I immediately reminded him,

"I don't shake hands with strange men"

"oh really?" He chuckled smugly.

That brat!

I only held his hand twice in a 3-year-long relationship, The first time was when that stingy man decided to buy me a bracelet as a present for my birthday, I gave him my hand to let him put it for me... What was the most romantic moment of our relationship, was remembered was a smugly chuckle by that brat.

As for the second time we held hands, was when we went hiking on a mountain on a college trip, when we were ascending the mountain I was a few steps behind the group, so I tried to speed up a bit, and that is when my foot slipped and I fell from a small cliff... Although I landed safely I still found it hard to stand on my painful twisted ankle, not to mention that I started freakng out from the pain I felt, Azziz helped support me when I walked back t
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