

“When are you coming out of the room? It’s almost dinner time.”

“Are you mad at me for some reason?”

He has been clearing his message looking for suitable words to send to her. She has been locked up in her room the whole day today and refused to come out.

“Despite him knocking several times she didn’t even give a response. He is now used to this when she gets mad, running into her room and locking it.

He was still pacing around thinking of what to do when Mike walked inside, startling him.

“Dude! You don’t just come into my house that way,” Zach growled but Mike scoffed.

“You should be grateful I am here to help out,” Zach snickered.

“More like to make it worse, don’t you dare butt in,” Zach warned and he raised his hands in surrender.

The door opened again and some men walked inside with some boxes, walking straight to the kitchen.

“He could only stand the confusion, he was about to call them out when Mike held his hand.

“I already told them to avoid the grumpy duck they meet insi
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