
42. Plan in action

Andrew Deluca

The plan was set. We were going to rescue Emma. Giovanni thought he could threaten me and play his dirty little game, but he couldn't. I knew Emma was too good for me. She was gentle, sweet, and different from me. I was raised to be who I am, a ruthless mafia man who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted, regardless of others. I was selfish, and I admitted it.

I forced her to marry me because it served my interests, and I knew it was only beneficial for me. What I didn't anticipate was that I would find her to be a genuinely nice person, and more than that, I saw feelings. But it would never work. I believed I didn't deserve something like that, so I would go and ruin it. It was easier for me to handle things this way.

Lorenzo was busy in the corner of the room, studying a detailed map of the area surrounding the warehouse where we believed Emma was being held captive. Every detail was crucial for us to get out of there alive and with Emma. I deceived him, told h

Si tranquillizza:Calms down Ragazza: girl bella ragazza: pretty girl

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