
75 "Under the Stars"


After the incident on the rooftop, Andrew invited me to go for ice cream at a place he used to frequent as a child. It was strange to think that we were sitting in an ice cream parlor after what had just happened. I couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the situation.

"You've killed someone, and now we're here having ice cream," I said with a touch of humor in my voice.

He shrugged, trying to appear composed, but I could see the tension in his eyes. "It's part of the job, Emma. Sometimes, we have to do things that aren't always easy to understand or accept."

I wondered how he managed to live in this world where violence seemed like a common solution. But I also understood that he was trying to protect his family, and now we had a baby on the way, and he would be in this world too. I wanted to try to raise him away from it, but I knew it was impossible.

"That sounds like a peculiar way to justify what happened up there," I commented.

He looked at me with a serious expression. "Y
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