
65 true lovebirds

“Come on lovebirds, I have somewhere I need to be. I

can’t hold this button forever you know,” Bray calls out from inside the lift. Laughing at him, Monica pulls away and walks into the lift. As the doors close, an unsettling feeling returns to Julien's gut. He tries to shake it off as separation anxiety. That’s all it is, he haven’t been separated from her for over three weeks now. She’s safe at the bar, there is security everywhere there to protect the staff and the bidders. Looking at the clock again, Julien notes it’s just nearing one o’clock. He has been at the club for the last three hours going over everything they can have on Catalina.

There’s nothing giving any whereabouts to where she could be now, and it’s pissing him the fuck off. The foreboding feeling that he have in the pit of his stomach hasn’t left him all day. Something isn’t right, they were missing something, he just don’t know what. Julien has been texting Monica all morning, and now and then she will send a br
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