

" you promise you won't ever leave me?" Miranda asked with a pleading voice and Justin realised that she was most scared of being Left alone. Maybe that's the reason she had few attachments, because she was insecure. His heart ached for her. Miranda knew that what she was asking was kinda stupid bit right now,all she wanted to hear was him promising never to leave her . She had loved in the past and all her loved ones finally left her all alone in this desolate world. " I promise you baby, In Front of your parents grave and in the name of the highest, if I ever leave you,may lightning strike..." He did not get to finish his words before Miranda covered his mouth, horrified.

" Never ever wish yourself something like that. I wouldn't even wish my enemies that." Miranda said in a stern voice. She just wanted his word,she never asked him to swear on that. " I want to show you how serious I am about it, Miranda. I want you to feel my sincerity towards you ." Justin said in all seriousness.
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