

Miranda thought that it was just a casual question so she answered honestly. " Yeah, I went to the same school and university." Justin could not tell why but after hearing that,his already bitter mouth started getting hot. This was no longer about the rebels but himself,a man to Man. His woman was sexy, beautiful and intelligent too. She was skilled in gifting and making money too. Any man would admire Such a woman and he was no exception. He did not want to think about his Miranda getting courted by some other guy. He was jealous. The realisation hit him pretty bad and he smiled bitterly.

" He is a wanted man and I hear is no good. It's better if you don't take his calls anymore." Justin advised with a straight face hiding the nervousness he was feeling inside. " Mm." Came the reply from Miranda who did not seem to understand why all of a sudden Justin was telling her this.

" Miranda.." Justin called softly while moving towards her. He then lowered himself and loomed over her. Mirand
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