

Sophia’s POV

I sat there, stunned by Mr. Roosevelt's audacity. His proposal still echoed in my mind like an unwelcome refrain. Marry Adrian? The thought was preposterous, yet here we were, discussing it over drinks in a quaint cafe.

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I’ve never received such a bizarre proposal in my entire life!

He leaned back in his chair, a hint of irritation flickering across his face. Without missing a beat, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a checkbook and pen, his gesture casual yet loaded with implication.

“And how much would it take as a signing bonus to make you consider this seriously?” His voice was cool, business-like, but beneath it simmered an undercurrent of arrogance.

I couldn't believe his nerve, trying to buy my compliance. My jaw tightened as I struggled to maintain composure. “Mr. Roosevelt,” I began, my tone measured, “I appreciate the offer, but money isn't the issue here. Adrian and I are friends. Nothing more.”

I paused, steeling my
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