
Chapter Four - Plot

Giovanni Malford

A lot of things have happened lately and behind all that, I still can’t believe that Kyrie accepted my rejection. 

I am sure she accepted my rejection because it’s probably one of her tricks for getting me to want to notice her. 

She was always like that before. I am sure she is waiting for me to go to her and take back what I said. She was hurt by what I did, and she should have been.

That is how she is so obsessed with me that she doesn’t realize she is starting to bore me, but she looked extremely different a while ago.

Damn it. I didn’t know she could look that breathtaking when I saw her be awarded a while ago. Kyrie was always naturally beautiful, her deep blue sets of eyes complimented her makeover, and she looked so fresh.

It almost seemed like she wasn’t affected by the fact that I rejected her. I shook my head, she is affected by it, I am sure of it.

Strangely enough, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her, especially after we arrived at this party. She is probably doing this on purpose to attract me. 

I will make sure to give her a good scolding when I get a chance.

“The Alpha King will choose to dance with someone, stay on the dance floor, everyone!” One of the hosts announced.

There are always encounters like that since he couldn’t find his mate. Four commanders were chosen for a reason, he would choose a future king among us who would rule his pack.

He chooses all of the powerful Alphas just like before since their generation couldn’t go on. Those who became king were always bound not to find their mates. It was a thing that was passed down years ago.

If they really couldn’t find their mates, they had to choose among his four commanders whom he would entrust his pack to when the time came that he needed to step down.

This is one of the many reasons why I had to reject Kyrie. Future Alpha Kings don’t have mates, they could get any woman they want, and they could bed anyone.

I was thinking she could be one of my women when I got the opportunity to get his title. I am sure I would win his position because of these idiots around me. She would be glad that I thought of her.

“Do you think he could find her tonight? He hasn’t found her yet, right?” Arnold asked, worry etched in his tone as he drank his champagne.

“Why do you think he started choosing commanders? He tried to look but didn’t have any luck.” James sighed deeply, “My son or daughter might be chosen someday, it would be saddening if they don’t have mates.”

“He probably doesn’t even want to dance with everyone.” William pouted. I wanted to walk away from their presence, they’re just too immature.

They’re always praying that they want the Alpha King to find his mate, don’t they want to be picked as king?

“Van, would you like a drink? I went to get us both one of each. We should dance as well, I asked you that a while ago.” Laine approached me while pouting.

I shook my head. She always looked appetizing to me in bed, but right now, she is none of my concern because of that woman.

“I don’t want anything right now, just sit here right next to me, we’ll dance later,” I told her to shut her up.

“Really? Yay! I thought you’d get angry again because of what happened, she is truly testing our patience.” Laine claimed, but I didn’t mind her.

For some reason, her presence starts to annoy me. I loved how much she performed to me in bed, I go crazy for her, but now, she is asking for so much attention.

Everyone was surprised when the Alpha King stood up, it was the first time we saw him that relaxed and engaged. Usually, he was always so tense and cold. I was betting that he would leave the party immediately.

That’s what my father told me, the past kings usually didn’t want to dance with anyone, and they felt more alone with their title.

“Woah, woah! He must’ve eyed someone in the crowd!” James excitedly screamed, his high-pitched tone made me want to cover my ears.

I wasn’t supposed to care about the king’s move, but his eyes were looking towards where I was staring a while ago. What bothered me was when he started to walk towards where she was.

The Alpha King was walking straight towards Kyrie. This bothered and frustrated my entire being. Why is he going after her?

Kyrie looked like she was too stunned to move or even speak until the Alpha King got in front of her and offered his hands, “Dance with me?”

Kyrie looked nervous, I was confident she wouldn’t dance with him but she accepted his hands which made me furious for some reason.

“I’d like that.” Everyone heard her say that. While watching them dance together, something was boiling inside me that made me want to walk there and get there.

I watched them dance and it seemed like they were both enamored with each other, their eyes not leaving each other’s gazes.

The Alpha king seemed pleased, I have never seen him that genuinely happy while staring at someone. I clenched my fists tightly.

I don’t understand why I was feeling this way. My heart felt like it was being squeezed even though I hadn’t gotten in touch with my wolf ever since I rejected her.

She just can’t be happy and be with somebody else without me, she loves me. I am sure she needs me.

“You are mine, Kyrie, no one else.” I clenched my fists. I almost stopped when Laine pinched my arms. Crap, that must’ve slipped.

“What did you just say?” Her voice almost cracked, “You’re only joking, right? Talk to me, Van.” 

I only stared at her before shaking my head and dragging her towards the dance floor. She looked surprised when she blushed.

“Listen closely, Laine, this might be a trick to get me back.” I firmly told her, which made her stop before nodding.

“Yeah, she was always like that, we should’ve been together in the first place,” Laine claimed while giving me an adorable smile.

I smirked before twirling her, I always loved this about Laine. She always supports and diverts her attention to me about important matters.

“I have a plan, I need you to listen to whatever I say from now on so we can be together.”

Laine stopped for a moment before smiling, “If doing everything you say would make me stay with you forever, I would gladly follow you.”

I kissed her forehead before twirling her, “I am happy to hear that, I promise you, we would be.”

Laine looked pleased, I’d like to keep it that way. I would need her skills and expertise from now on.

Just you wait, Kyrie. A time will come when I can punish you for all the things you are doing right now.

You will come straight running towards me, begging me to take you back. I am sure of it.

Valkyrie Behati

The Alpha King’s question made me stop. I didn’t realize that the dance had ended and that he already dragged me somewhere I was not familiar with.

My eyes were roaming around the place, it was like a study room of a royalty. Everything, from floors, is a combination of crimson-colored carpets and rust-colored furniture.

“W-Where am I?” I finally spoke. My throat felt a little dry, and then he offered me water as if he knew I needed it.

I accepted what he gave and chugged it like my life depended on it. He watched me amusingly before shaking his head.

“I had to bring you somewhere peaceful, you started turning pale e a while ago like you have seen a ghost,” he informed me.

I bit my lower lip. I feel embarrassed to act like that right before him, “S-Sorry, I need to go now.”

When I stood up, he held onto my hands, “Would you like to stay here for a bit? Calm yourself and everything.”

“I-I can’t, someone might come after me if I stay here longer,” I whispered to myself, but he heard it.

“After you? In my study room? I doubt.” he confidently stated before placing the pitcher on his desk, “Did you do anything that broke our law?”

I shook my head, which made him nod, “Then there is nothing for you to worry about, relax there.”

“You don’t understand, he could kill me. I can’t say his name, but he could do that.” I bit my lower lip.

The room fell into a hush, the kind that presses against your ears. He leaned back, using his desk as support, his arms crossed defiantly over his chest. His gaze locked onto mine, piercing and intense, what was he thinking?

“Say, Kyrie, do you want some help?” I heard him deeply ask. I squinted my eyes before looking towards him.

“You see, I have a little bit of a crisis right now. I need someone to stay by me to protect my image against people who have plans on taking my place.”

I was surprised with what he said, “What do you mean?”

“I need you to pretend as my mate in exchange for me helping you.” he smiled, one that I found devious and attractive at the same time.

To be continued…

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