
Chapter 169 You Haven’t Contacted Me For A While

Seeing each of these individuals' expressionless faces as they held the boxes in their arms, Rosalie was confused. "What is this..."

Byron answered, "Lego sets. I heard they wanted to play with Lego sets yesterday, so I asked my assistant to buy them overnight. There are some difficult sets among them, so the children should like them."

Rosalie could not help feeling stunned.

Looking at the expressionless strong men in front of them, she found that they looked a little out of place with the things in their arms.

"Let them bring the things in first." Byron motioned the bodyguards to take the things in.

Rosalie hesitated for a moment and finally made way for them. She watched them put the boxes in their arms down on the floor one by one.

The children who were in the dining room heard what was happening outside and ran out curiously.

Lucian and Nox stood beside the boxes, their eyes shining.

Estie, on the other hand, went to her daddy and ran around him once before returning to th
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