
Chapter 5 : Encounter Between Sebastian and Charlotte

George was in conversation with his grandfather. "Grandpa, I will marry Charlotte," he asserted, knowing well his grandfather's fondness for her, thinking Eva could just be a fling.

Charlotte paid no heed to his scheming. She wasn't one to fall for his two-timing ways.

There was a commotion in the crowd, and Charlotte looked up to see a tall, lean figure surrounded by admirers.

"Have you heard? That's Sebastian from the Titan Group, and he's still single," the whispers circulated among the onlookers.

"I never realized he was this young. I thought he was around the same age as Rodrigo. Turns out, he's closer to Rodrigo's son."

"You know what? He's a late bloomer, but they say he's remarkable."

Charlotte was curious about her supposed fiancé's uncle.

Was it him?

The male model she had spent the night with at the rooftop nightclub. Wasn't he supposed to be in a different line of work? And he's George's uncle?

Charlotte felt a tad embarrassed but then found the situation increasingly intriguing. Perhaps, in the future, George would have to address her as Auntie. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips, and suddenly, she felt empowered.

Charlotte was a girl of strong character, appearing docile yet possessing her own distinct personality. She had defied her father Quinlan's objections to pursue art instead of finance, refusing to let others dictate her life.

It was time for payback. If George and Eva thought they could betray her, they had another thing coming.

George hurried over. "Uncle, this is my fiancée, Charlotte."

It was evident that George was wary of his uncle.

"Dad, I'm back," Sebastian directly ignored George, addressing his own father, George's grandfather.

"Son, welcome back. It's a good day today. Take a look at George's future wife."

Sebastian had already spotted Charlotte. He recognized her as the girl he had spent the night with, now engaged to his brother's son. It was a surprising turn of events.

He looked at Charlotte with an expression devoid of any emotion, no hint of the man who had shared an intimate night with her.

Charlotte couldn't help but think about the man she had been intimate with last night, compared to the man in front of her now. She still remembered his physique under the suit, his chest, his abs, and the feeling of his touch, making her want to sculpt him into art.

And now, the man was in a suit, with a cold and ruthless demeanour, like a king ruling overall.

"When does the engagement ceremony start?" Sebastian checked his watch.

"It's starting soon. Grandpa and Uncle are already seated," George replied with a forced smile.

"Little brother, you've been away for so long. I want to have a chat with you later," George's father, Rodrigo, said bluntly.

"Sure, after I schedule a meeting with my assistant Ethan." Sebastian showed no respect for his older brother.

"I need to use the restroom. Excuse me." Sebastian said indifferently to his brother and left.

Rodrigo was furious at his brother's attitude, but he couldn't lash out at him in front of their father.

Charlotte stood in front of the mirror in the restroom, urging herself to stay calm. Suddenly, the door swung open, and Sebastian walked in as if nothing was amiss.

"This is the ladies' restroom," Charlotte exclaimed, surprised.

"Not anymore," Sebastian replied nonchalantly.

"Don't you have anything to say to me?" Charlotte remembered the money she had left for Sebastian.

She couldn't believe she had tipped the CEO. She felt quite empowered.

Sebastian slowly approached Charlotte, his towering figure imposing a bit of pressure on her.

Looking down at Charlotte from his vantage point, Sebastian said mockingly, "The fiancée of my nephew?"

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