
Every Second


The morning sun streamed through the window, its bright rays streaming directly into my eyes. I groaned, pulling the covers over my head in an attempt to block out the light. But it was no use—the maid had other plans. I heard the rustle of curtains as she spread them open, letting in even more light.

“Good morning, my lady!” she chirped, her voice cheerful and bright.

I sighed, knowing there was no escape. I sat up, stretching my body and letting out a yawn.

I turned to the other side of the bed, expecting to see Drake there. But the space was empty, the sheets rumpled and unoccupied. I felt a twinge of disappointment, followed by a flash of anger.

I knew where he must be — with Amelia, the woman he had chosen over me. I rolled my eyes, scoffing at the thought of her. How could he decide her over me? She was nothing special, just another pretty face. But I pushed the thought away, not wanting to dwell on it.

“Is everything alright, my lady?” the maid asked, her brow furrowed
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