
Next To Her


“Mum!” I shouted, hoping to get her attention. But she didn't respond, she just kept shaking uncontrollably. I felt a wave of fear wash over me, my heart racing.

What was wrong with her? Was she sick? Had something happened to her? I felt a surge of panic, my mind racing with terrible possibilities. I had to do something, I had to help her. But what could I do? I was at a loss.

Drake put his hand on my shoulder, his voice calm and soothing. “Calm down,” he said, his voice soft.

But I couldn't hear him, my thoughts consumed by worry and fear. All I could see was my mother being carried away by the guards, and it broke my heart. I wanted to run to her, to save her, to do something. But I was frozen in place, my mind whirling, my heart pounding.

"Come on,” Drake said, pulling me to my feet. “You need to be strong right now. Your mum needs you.” I stared at him, his words sinking in. He was right, I couldn't break down.

I had to be strong, for my mother's sake. He looked at me wi
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