
Another Man


Latte clutched in hand, I stepped around a group of chatting girls and beelined for the table by the window. Judging by the quick stakeout I’d performed upon entering the cafe, it was the best spot. With a round table surrounded by cozy, plush chairs, it also provided a good view of the street.

Which meant I’d see Andrew before he saw me.

Just thinking about him had my stomach twisting into knots a sailor would have been proud of. The only contact we’d had all week was the sparse text messages on Wednesday night. Even though Andrew had said he wanted to see me, he hadn’t been able to meet until tonight, Friday. Apparently, just like me, he’d been filling up the calendar.

I only hoped this meant Raven wasn’t being pushed to the side again. If, after all the work Andrew put into repairing their relationship, life reverted back to its old way, I would feel awful. Like I had something to do with it all.

I suppose I did.

Taking a careful sip of my latte, I set it down on the table. I
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