
Everything Falls Apart


“Is that you, Lanie?” Mom called as I closed the front door behind me.

“Yeah!” I hung my jean jacket up and made my way through the house, following the spicy-sweet scent in the air. As expected, my mom was in the kitchen. As I entered, she pulled a baking sheet of cookies from the oven and set them on the stove top.

“Those look good,” I commented, leaning against the kitchen island.

“They’re for the library bake sale tomorrow. I thought we could ice them.” She turned to me, and her eyes went wide. “That’s not what you’re wearing, is it?”

I looked down at my jeans, ankle boots, and sweater. “Uh, to the bake sale? Isn’t that tomorrow?”

Mom pursed her lips. The oven mitt hit the counter with a grand display of annoyance. “To your father’s event.”

“What?” Realization, come days too late, struck. “Crap. That’s tonight?”

“Yes. I hope you’re going home and changing.”

“Mom, I forgot. I have plans.”

She studied me. “What kind of plans?”

“Plans with Andrew.”


“Mom, don’t.”

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