

If you want your death to be morn in style, be rich and famous, this is exactly v's thoughts as her eyes scan the faces in the room everyone was wearing the most expensive black designer and chatting about what a good man Jeffrey was and she wondered if all this people actually know him.

“Hello miss Morgan” Emily said, offering a glass of wine she had walked up to her as soon as she saw her. This was her opportunity for a payback after what v had said to her in a bar five years ago.

“Emily was it?” v answered by taking the wine she had recognized her as soon as she saw her heading her way and she knew she was possibly looking for trouble.

“So you are back uhh?” Emily asked in as a way to start up a conversation.

“Looks like it” v responded desperately wishing Emily would go away. 

“ Well I for one am happy you are back” she said “ but it is too bad you are single though i was kind of hoping you can tag along on one of James and i romantic weekend gate always” she added with sarcasm dripping out of her every word.

She had taken it to heart when v said James was too good for her and took it upon herself to track him down and prove v wrong and all these years she had waited for this moment.

A mischievous smile  play on v’s face “ James and his women” she said “ i never knew he was into charity work you know dating a woman so she feels good about herself i admire that”

Emily's face clouded immediately, she choked on her saliva hearing v’s words two marks for v said the evil voice in her head now you can't even out the score. Before she could attempt to say anything v walks away feeling victorious.

She stepped into one of Jeff's guest bedrooms to call home. She was bored out of her mind and wished she had forced Emma to tag along.

Outside the gardening was just getting exciting as Alex decided to grace every one with his presence after Five years, the place fall into a hush as soon as he steps in carrying his usual smirk with one hand in his pocket, a waiter walk up to him immediately offering him wine but he decline walking pass the waiter his eyes scanning the room as everyone was trying to act normal he was hoping to see one person among the faces that stare back at him as he nod and shook hands it felt nice to see that he still knows how to work a room.

People's attention turn towards the person hitting his champagne glass with spoon 

“A toast to Jeffrey” he said “a friend worthy of being called a friend always putting everyone's need before his”

Everyone rised a class in agreement and they took turns saying good things about Jeff and telling stories about how he had come through for them one way or the other.

“Jeff was a true rare gem” Alex said “he and it's because of him that i have decided to come home for good” he announced earning a cheer .

After the stories and tears everyone pretty much went back to their chanting, he still hadn't seen even a glimpse of her, she was the only reason he came.he wondered if she had gone home already or Maybe she didn't come at all and he had come for nothing.

He decided to just call his driver and head home, dialing the number he put the phone against his ears and waited for himself to pick.

“Hello….. hello”  he called out but he couldn't hear him because of the noise so he steps into Jeff's bedrooms corridor and that is when he spotted her sitting on the edge of one of the bedrooms bed smiling into her phone and he forgets about the phone call he was in the middle of while he allowed the invisible strings guide him to her.

She was totally oblivious about his presence  as she was consumed by the video call she was in the middle of when she sniffed his familiar scent causing her to look up and her eyes fell into his ocean blue eyes.

“v”he whispered in his husky voice as he walked up to her.

She stood up in shock, cutting the video call. He was the last person she expected to see her. She was totally out of words and even if she was not she had nothing to say to him so she picked her purse and headed for the door , her journey was cut short by his hand on her west.

She hated his guts ,she hated him and worst of all she hated the feelings his hands where stirring she couldn't believe he still had that power on her, and when she didn't protest he landed his other hand on her and hugged her into his wide chest they stood like that for some minutes just basking in the warmth of each other only God knows how much she had missed this and he had dreamt about her while sleeping next to other women and had pictured her face while having sex he even called her name between moans sometimes.

‘This is wrong,this is wrong’ her inner voice warned' Don't throw five years of work just in a minute’ and with that she found the strength to push him.

“Stay away from me” she yells “ you have made your choice”

“ I made the wrong choice v now i know” his voice sounded remorseful but she was not about to fall for it again.

“You are too late Alex you had your chance” she replied heading for the door once again only for him to stop her with his body again .

This time he wasn't going to give her any chance to protest so he crashed his lips on hers cupping her bottom with one hand as he held her tight with the other and in that moment it felt as if nothing bad had happened between them she let him explore her mouth as she kissed him back.

Her moans let him know she was gone as he kissed her neck, his hands slowing teasing between her thighs and suddenly she summon the courage to retrieve and the next thing was the sound of her hands on his chicks as she slaps him.

“ How dare you” she said furiously “stay away from me” she warned as she headed for the door.

“i want you, am back for you and i shall have you” he said as she walks past him.

“ You get one chance and you have had yours' ' she stated and walked out without turning back.

He wasn't really expecting it to be easy but he will get her back no matter what it takes.

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