
The Threat


The days following Christopher's heartfelt investment plan had been filled with hope and excitement, but a dark cloud soon loomed over my newfound happiness. It started with a single anonymous message, a chilling text that appeared on my phone late one evening as I sat in my dimly lit apartment.

"Be careful, Kate. You never know who's watching."

The words sent a shiver down my spine, and my heart pounded with fear. I tried to convince myself that it was just a prank, a random message from someone with too much time on their hands. But deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

As the days passed, the messages increased in frequency and intensity. They were carefully worded, meant to unsettle me and instill a sense of dread. Each one seemed to know intimate details of my life, my routines, and my fears. The sender's knowledge left me feeling exposed, like I was constantly being watched.

I withdrew into myself, not knowing whom I could trust. The weight of th
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