
39. A twinkle in his eye.

By the looks of it, someone must have used a hot iron rod to make the hole. Emily whoever did this, definitely had something against you... or your husband" He adds.

I look at him surprisingly.

"Oh so the thought hasn't even crossed your mind, that your husband might be involved in this." He says and I scowl at him.

"Stop with all this crap about my husband detective, the only reason why I'm even here is because this concerns me, I sure as hell wouldn't want to have anything to do with you". I tell him angrily. I've just about had it with him.

"You act tough now, but you didn't act so tough, the last time we met." He scoffs watching my reaction.

I freeze as I remembered the last words he told me.

"What did you mean by that?" I ask him.

He shakes his head" It doesn't matter anyways."

"What matters now is that I need to find out who sent you that text message, the one that led you to that abandoned warehouse. It's clear that someone is trying to manipulate you, to lure you into thei
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