
8. Murder in the USA

I wake to the sound of loud beeping noises in a strange room, surrounded by bright lights and white walls. Confused and disoriented, I tried to sit up but felt a headache and noticed tubes and wires connected to me. Everything felt scary and unfamiliar, and I couldn't remember how I got here. The beeping sounds from the monitors made me even more anxious, as I struggled to figure out what was going on.

I try to recall what happened, but my mind was blank. A nurse walks into the room as I attempt to get down from the bed, she rushes to my side.

"No, no, no, miss D'errico. You're not in the right condition now. Please lie down, you need more rest" She gently pushes me back down.

"What happened, why am I here? What's going on?" I ask anxiously in a loud tone.

"Calm down Mrs. D'errico, you were involved in a car accident this morning and was rushed here shortly after."

My head was spinning with questions. An accident? How long had I been in the hospital?

Then it hit me. Memories of the crash flooded back to me. Pieces of broken glass, the color red and darkness.

"Do you remember anything from the accident?" She asks, watching me carefully.

I tried to remember but I couldn't remember anything. I shake my head.

The door opens and my mother rushes in, looking very distressed. She looked like she'd been crying and her hair was disheveled, I wasn't used to seeing my mother like this.

"Emily, you're awake thank goodness!" She kneels at my side, taking her hand in mine.

"Please be gentle ma'am she just woke up, and she isn't fully recovered yet," The nurse says.

She ignores the nurse and continues to squeeze my hand tightly.

" I'm so glad you're okay," my mother continues, her words a mix of relief and worry, some kind Samaritans had you rushed to the hospital. How did it happen?".

"I don't know mom, I went to do some shopping and on my back, the next thing I saw was darkness" I tried to remember any crucial information but nothing came to mind. Maybe the crash caused some amnesia.

"It doesn't matter now baby, you're okay now. Oh thank God. Giovanni had you placed in this private suit upon hearing of your crash".

Giovanni was here?

At that moment the door burst open and Giovanni's burly figure walked in, he had to bend his head down to enter the room. He ignores the nurse and advances to my side.

"How do you feel?" He asks softly.

"I-I feel fine," I say. His expression changes slightly into one of relief.

The doctor walks in. She had a clipboard in her hand. She greets him and my mother.

"How do you feel, Mrs D'errico?" She asks.

"I feel fine," I say.

"Good but you still need to run through some tests till we determine if you're fit to go back home."

"I want to leave now," I say firmly.

The doctor, maintaining a calm demeanor, responds, "I understand you want to go home, Mrs. D'errico but we need to run some tests to ensure you're truly ready. It's for your safety. Once we get the results, we can discuss the possibility of you leaving. Please be patient".

"Do you recall anything from the accident? anything at all?" She asks.

I strain to recall the events leading up to this moment. My mother's worried eyes searched mine for answers, but my mind remained a foggy maze.

My head throbbed, making it difficult to concentrate on anything beyond the dull ache.

"You're not the police so let her be, she doesn't need to remember anything for now. It's causing her distress" Giovanni says, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

The doctor nods "Right, of course."

"What happened to the driver? Is he alright?" I ask him.

"He's in terrible condition, he got affected the most from the crash, he's in another ward." He responds. "I should have not allowed you to go anywhere. Fuck. I'm sorry." He looks at me.

"It's not your fault, you didn't know something like this would happen," I say trying to comfort him.

"She won't be working at your company anymore" My mother suddenly says.

I turn to her in shock. She had a determined expression on her face.

"No I'll keep working, it's just my first day," I say.

"Honey, you've just been involved in an accident," She says exasperatedly.

"I know but that doesn't mean I should stop working" I reply back

"Have you seen the news, you're all over the internet, you need to keep a low profile from now on" She says firmly.


A blood-curdling scream cuts me short as a nurse runs into the room grabbing the doctor by her clothes.

"Doctor, h-he's dead, he's dead, a patient is dead. It's a murder."

"What!!" The doctor exclaims.

"It's the man that was brought alongside her", She points at me. Giovanni looks at my mother and then at me before going out of the room with the doctor.

I was unable to get down due to the tubes and I'm sure my mother wouldn't want me to anyways.

"Emily, honey, it seems like there's something more going on here. We need to stay calm and let the authorities handle it," she says, her voice filled with concern.

I say nothing and look back at her in fear. What's happening?

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