

Aurora's POV

As I made my way out of the room, I noticed I couldn’t breathe; it felt like my breath was being hitched in my chest. Getting to the bar, I sat on the long stool and ordered a bottle of beer. The moment it was given to me, I took a long gulp before settling it down. Pain and torture consumed me as I recalled all that I saw in the room. I couldn’t believe that what we had last night really meant nothing to him. How could he be with another woman and act like nothing happened between us? Did our time together mean nothing to him? Tears clouded my eyes, but I held them back, finished the bottle of beer, and requested another one.

“Can I join you?” A male voice spoke from behind before he moved over and sat on the stool beside me. Glancing his way, I noticed he wasn’t masked, which gave me the opportunity to see his face. He had striking blue eyes that seemed to see right through me. His presence was both comforting and unsettling, a strange mix that made me wary yet curi
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