

Lord Frederick's POV

I watched as Aurora fumed with anger, staring at the paper in her hand. Her anger-filled face was so amusing that I had to stifle a laugh, not wanting to appear ridiculous. She glared at the paper for a moment before looking up at me with disbelief in her eyes.

“Must be home before 9 p.m.,” she gritted her teeth, and I nodded. “That's correct,” I confirmed.

“That is ridiculous! What am I? A thirteen-year-old girl?” she spat with rage, and I shrugged. “That is my rule, Aurora, and you will have to abide by it,” I stated firmly. She clenched the paper in her hand, glaring at me with anger in her eyes. Staring into her eyes, I realized my little girl had changed so much; those once innocent, alluring sea-blue eyes of hers now looked different. It was as if I were staring at a different person.

She sighed and looked back at the paper. I saw her read the next line, and she frowned. “No visitors are allowed,” she glanced at me. “That is correct,” I nodded, and saw her flare up. “What is this, Mr. Frederick?” she spat, causing me to raise a brow. Not only did she call me Mr. Frederick, but she also raised her voice at me.

Getting up from my seat, I walked closer to her, standing before her so that we were just inches apart, our eyes locked. I felt myself getting mesmerized by it, but I had to compose myself and speak up. “Firstly, you address me as godfather, and secondly, you don’t raise your voice at me,” I warned.

Aurora scoffed and folded her arms. “And what if I don’t want to call you godfather? What would you do? Or is Frederick, not your name anymore?” she challenged, showing no fear.

Clenching my fists, I realized she was trying to provoke me, but I wouldn’t let her. “I believe you know the way to your room.” With those words, I turned and walked away.

Taking the stairs, I entered my study and sat at the seat behind my desk. Sighing heavily, I loosened my tie and relaxed while closing my eyes, thinking of Aurora. She had changed so much from the cute little girl I knew her to be.

I could vividly remember the day she was born, holding her in my arms, instantly falling in love with the fragile little baby. From that day, I vowed to love and protect her.

I could still recall how she always wanted to be with me during every holiday; we would have so much fun together. She was my favorite person, and she still is, even though I don’t show it to her now.

I couldn’t explain how our godfather and goddaughter relationship fell apart, but I realized Aurora began withdrawing herself from me. She no longer wanted to spend holidays with me; she no longer looked excited whenever I came around, and when she spoke to me, she sounded cold and irritated.

At first, I thought I had done something wrong, but when I realized I hadn’t, I understood it was her decision to distance herself from me. I decided to respect her decision and withdraw from her, making our relationship cold and distant.

Releasing a deep sigh, I opened my eyes, deciding to stop thinking about Aurora. I had a lot of work piled up on my desk, and I couldn’t let myself be distracted by her. Picking up a file, I began going through it, burying myself in work. I was so consumed with my workload that I didn’t realize it was lunchtime until a maid announced it to me.

Closing my laptop, I got up from my seat and headed to the dining table. But, upon reaching there, I noticed Aurora wasn’t present.

“Have you told Aurora that lunch is ready?” I asked the maid.

“Yes, sir.”

“And what did she say?”

“She said she isn’t hungry.”

I sighed, considering asking the maid to call her again, but I decided to let it be. Taking my seat, I started eating, but my thoughts constantly drifted to Aurora. I wondered how the cute, loving little girl I had watched grow had turned into a young lady I couldn’t recognize. The fact that she had grown to dislike me for no apparent reason was both confusing and disturbing.

While lost in my thoughts, I heard footsteps from the stairs. When I looked up, I noticed it was Aurora. Our gazes locked, but she frowned and looked away; it seemed the sight of me irritated her. She walked down the stairs and over to the dining table.

“I’m going out,” she announced, and I raised a brow.

“I left my car at the club last night, so I’m going to get—”

“My men will get the car for you,” I interrupted.

“No, I will get it myself. I don’t let people drive my car,” she said, turning to leave. But I called her back, and she turned to look my way.

“You have just an hour to be back home,” I warned, seeing her rudely roll her eyes at me before she left. Clutching the fork in my hand, I grunted; I couldn’t remember the last time someone rolled their eyes at me.

“Sir, do you need me to follow her?” Fox suggested, but I shook my head. If there was one thing I was sure of, it was that Aurora would not run away.

Having lost my appetite, I left the table and decided to inspect my warehouses to ensure everything was okay. Getting into the car, I sat in the back seat while Fox sat in the driver's seat and started the car. He drove me to all six of my warehouses in the state, and after inspecting them, I decided to go back home.

Arriving back at the mansion, I noticed Aurora’s car wasn’t parked in the garage, piquing my curiosity. “Where is Aurora?” I asked the guard at the gate.

“She hasn’t returned since she left this morning,” the guard announced, and a big frown spread across my face.

Taking out my phone, I realized it was almost ten p.m., and she still wasn’t home, which went against my rules. I wanted to dial her number to ensure she was okay, but just then, I heard a car honking at the gate, and I knew it was her.

I went into the sitting room and decided to wait for her. Moments later, she reluctantly walked in.

“Where are you coming from?” I questioned, getting up from my seat and approaching her.

“I was with my friends,” she responded reluctantly, and I frowned.

“I told you to be back in an hour.”

“I didn’t hear you,” she lied, looking away. She was certainly getting on my nerves.

“What does the time say?”

She glanced at her phone for a moment and then looked at me. “I didn’t realize it was this late,” she responded, showing no sign of remorse.

“Really?” I scoffed, getting closer to her, but she took a step back. “Well, you will be punished for that.” I took hold of her hand and dragged her up the stairs.

“Where are you taking me?” she grumbled as she struggled to release herself from my grip, but it was useless.

Pulling her into her room, I closed the door and walked her over to the bed. Sitting on the bed, I made her lay on my lap, but she struggled to get up, which was futile.

“You will be punished for disobedience,” I grunted and spanked her ass with my hand.

At first, she was surprised, but I didn’t let her think as I landed another spank on her ass. “Count to ten,” I demanded and landed another spank.

“Three,” she grunted. I placed my hand on her ass, ready to spank her again, but I felt the softness of her skin in my hand, which compelled me to look at her ass! Gosh! She had a well-rounded ass; the fitted gown she was wearing made everything worse, as it accentuated every curve of her ass.

Grunting within myself, I looked away and spanked her ass, but I couldn’t resist looking at her as they shook from the effect of my spank.

“Four,” Aurora's voice was low, almost like a moan, or perhaps I misheard. I spanked her again, and the urge to caress her ass filled my entire being, but I resisted it and spanked her more, making sure I didn’t look at her ass as they shook.

I continued spanking her until she finally counted ten, and I lifted her up from my lap, got up, and without saying a word to her or looking her way, I walked out of the room and closed the door.

Resting against the wall, I glanced at my groin and realized I had gotten an erection.


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