
Chapter 24

Dion thought that Mpumi was in her room. The children were at school. Now, he could go into the kitchen and prepare himself something to eat. Dion was still getting used to his life as a blind man. He patted every piece of furniture in the room until he finally found the fridge. He opened it.

Mpumi was not in her room. She was in the kitchen the whole time. She watched Dion from the distance, quietly.

-**What’s he looking for now? Ow, a cup. Won’t he just drink from the bottle? Hurry up, already. I want to see his reaction when he realises that’s cooking oil. Why did I put oil in the fridge though?**-

The man sipped. He quickly spat into his handkerchief. “Is she stupid or what?”

-**Hey, watch it!**-

He put the bottle of oil aside. He went for a container he pulled out of the fridge. He opened it and sniffed, he realised it was meat. He had a gag reflex and he quickly put it away.

-**Is that how vegetarians reac

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