
Chapter 10

Stacey's POV

"What do you mean, Stacey? Do you know Miss Solana stone?"

"Yes," I answered and nodded confidently. I looked at my work mates' faces and they're still confused.

"She was classmate in college," I started. "She plagiarized my design back then. She even flirted with one of the judges when we had a competition for a scholarship. She won, so she got the scholarship even when my design was better than hers."

The confusion on their faces were now replaced by shock. I kept the sad expression in my eyes to get their sympathy. There's no way I'll let her get into the Muller Group.

"Is that true, Stacey? Aren't you just angry because of what happened in the past? Clearly, she's skillful. She can be an asset to the company."

I balled my fists in annoyance. "Yes! She's skillful. She can be an asset but she will stain the company's name. If you want to keep this company in good state, you must not hire her. She will flirt with every men in this company to get on top…"

I swallowed hard
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