
Chapter 1037

"Well, why don't you ask him yourself? Hahaha—"

Liam scowled when he heard the contempt evident in their tones and stared at them coldly. "Had enough fun?"

Karter snickered, then gave Liam a playful shove in his side, sneering. "What's wrong? We're just fooling around, lighten up! Besides, who did you think you were? Do you honestly still think you're the heir of the Cole family, like the good old days? Get your head out of the clouds, boy! The Cole clan doesn't exist anymore, and you're the only one left behind with nothing to your name! I also hear that you married one of the Stones' daughters and are serving them as their son-in-law now, is that true?

"How embarrassing! How did you possibly swallow your dignity to do something like that? Poor you! I didn't think you'd one day end up in such a position that you'd need to rely on your wife, of all people!

"What do you think your father will say if he sees this? What will he think of his precious son, once the heir of the legendary
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