

Arianna got frightened by Brianna’s yelling, she hadn’t yelled at her in that manner for a long time.

“Mu.......m” Arianna stuttered.

“What is it you want this time?” Brianna yelled as she turned back to face Arianna.

“I’m sorry” Arianna yelled back.

Brianna ignored and kept on making her way towards the X-ray room, Arianna didn’t stop to follow her.

“You wouldn’t listen to me again?!” Brianna said while walking.

“Not this time Mum, I have to be there with you” Arianna stated.

“When do you ever listen to me?” Brianna said as she took a pause.

“You know I always do Mum,” Arianna said as she hurried to catch up with Brianna.

“Why would you do that Arianna, you ought to always do as I say,” Brianna said with a pitiful face.

“What have I done Mum?” Arianna asked rolling her eyeballs.

“I specifically told you I do not want us going against the new rule but you forced Doctor Henry into making a comprise!” Brianna remarked.

“I did that for you Mum, trust me” Arianna replied.

“Not only did yo
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