

Something To Resolve From His Past.

“Yes Miss Stella. My name is Steff and I am a Computer Artificial Intelligence programme that is installed to assist you with all your company’s needs. I can help you solve and answer tough questions about the company and the products, the names of the employees under each department, give you access to the potential employees surveillance records and many more. What is it that you want help with now, Miss Stella?” The computer AI named Steff said.

Stella once again was rendered speechless by the computer AI. She was given her name. She was no fool to not know that Steff is the short form of her name, Stephany.

Another thing that amazed her was how she talked. It had the same voice she heard when she was fifteen years old!

Stephany turned to look at the faint Juma. When she saw him this time, she felt her heart melt into his safe palms for keeps. She was now sure he did not forget about his love and promises.

She felt her tear
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