
Chapter 6: Daring Rose.

Henry's POV.



That voice. I snap my neck up and to the side, but all I see are clustered bodies emitting foul smells. But my rose is somewhere behind these wastes.

“We have to leave here…Nate is coming tonight!” Her alluring voice barely goes past my hearing senses but thanks to being a powerful wolf, I catch on to it.

Suddenly, I perceive the lust in the air and I frown in disapproval. These perverse wolves are all staring her way and I feel like snapping their heads off. No one dares stare at my mate…I growl.

Just as the wolves cower and back off under the pressing aura I’m emitting, her neck whips around just in time to meet gazes with me. My daring rose.

The girl on my thighs resumes kissing my neck hungrily. Still looking at her, I lean over to the side and kiss the other girl hungrily. We both moan in pleasure and the other girl to my right starts caressing my chest, much to my delight. My arousal picks up as the kiss deepens and the girls’ arousals build up too,
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goodnovel comment avatar
Lindsay Erlandson
How can this character not realize how rude he is acting and why any decent female would reject him and his actions?

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