


I’ve been stuck under the covers by his side like glue since my bicker with Alison, her crocodile tears still fresh in my mind.

Hades has kept me captive, refusing to let me budge an inch.

His threat still hangs over me like a dark cloud.

I am his and even if I am to die, I’ll die by his hand?

The words still make me shudder.

The silence between us is oppressive, and it makes my skin crawl.

I want to leave this room.

But I can’t, not until he agrees to do so.

“Stop staring at me and go to bed.. it’s late already, or are you planning to escape me this time?” His voice seethes.

“I want to sleep in my own room, on my own bed” I mumble, making a big shift.

“I know you’re thinking of nothing but an escape plan”

“I’m not. I just want—

“You’re staying here tonight. “ His dominating voice covers mine. “And that is final”

He gets close to me and brushes the strands of hair that covers my face.

“And besides. We’re married, couples share the same fuckin bed”

He’s talking about marri
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