
Chapter 21.2

Chapter 21.2


Oh shit! I opened my eyes again and saw his eyes locked into mine. He’s ravaging my mouth, invading it in a not so decent and gentle way. My god, this kiss is burning my body. He’s being rough but I like it, I will always like it as long as it’s him.

“Caine,” I moaned when he bites my bottom lip.

Oh my, did I just do that? I felt the tightening of my lower belly when I heard my own voice.

He urgently cupped my face and pushed me against the wall, leaving me speechless. I tiptoed, until I felt his arm on my spine lifting me off the floor.

I moaned louder when he pushed himself on the juncture of my thighs.

“Geez, slow it down, Kisses. They’ll hear us.” He panted like he almost ran a mile or five but he spoke against my lips.

Geez din, para akong sasabog na hindi ko maintindihan. I will never forget this moment. I will treasure this, no matter what. I will fight for him in hell or high waters. I’ll fight him against all odds but I would still love my Dad no matter how
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Mga Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Nurcashin Ubahin
it pains me go ipaglaban mo,,kung wala edi d mo pagsisihan na d ka lumaban,
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