
Chapter 27.1

Chapter 27.1


I glared at her, trying to control my already sickened temper, "You better did or else you were already fired. Tell Parker to wait for me in a minute. I'll grab her new Porsche," I turned my back on her leaving her pale.

"Yes MGen," She slowly replied.

The hell with that bastard! I'm going to let him see who he's been battling with, and that nobody can tear me down, not a donkey son of a wench like Kenneth Nichols. And I don't care if he was my Dad's fucking nephew.

When it comes to Nassandra, there's no exemption and no more rules. Not even that shitty Uncle Thomas of mine, the President of this country who happened to be my father's half brother.

I walked closer to her, "Nass, baby," I called her.

I tried not to be stoic but the heck my blood was coiling.

She immediately turned around and glared at me, "Sino ang ama ng batang dinadala ng babae na iyon?" she pointed her tiny sexy forefinger at my face almost darting my nose.

I tersely stopped and my mouth hung open
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goodnovel comment avatar
naku malapit kana nass, ihanda mo na sarili mo
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