
Chapter 46.1

Chapter 46.1


“I'M sorry but the news was spreading too fast. They were gossiping about Miss Nassandra and some say she’s…”

“She’s what?” I felt my rage start to smolder.

“Immoral.” She mumbled and looked down.


My heart felt a sting of pain for my baby girl. This is my fault. I am a lot older than her but I tolerated myself contaminating her innocent mind with passionate worldly desires, most especially opening her young body and mind about sex and engaging her even more. I was the amoral one and not her. I was the thirty-five-year-old honorable man and not her.

Sabi ba talaga iyon ng ibang tao o si Emily lang ang may sabi?

“Who said that…?” I asked calmly but my teeth were grinding against each other.

She opened her mouth to speak but I added something to what I said. “I’ll make them eat grenades for the very first fucking time of their lives.”

She gulped and shook her head.

“Tell me!” I slammed my hands on the table, making her flinch and leaving her no choic
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