

Zayed's p.o.v

" Say, Ba....Ba......" I told Eriza who is crawling on the bed soaking her jaw with saliva.

She replied letting out baby noises,""

I just let out a breath after hearing her. I tried to teach 'Baba' to Zaisha also and as expected she also uttered Mumma. Both of them are their mother's fans. They hardly let out other words except for Mumma.

" When my munchkins are going to call me Baba, hmm?" I asked both of them and they are busy crawling on the bed.

I was actually waiting for my wife for a long time. She has gone to meet her family members. I am sure after meeting them she will never be able to hold herself from accepting me and my ways. A smile appeared on my face just thinking about the results of my generosity over her family members.

" Zayed Ji," I heard my wife's melodious v


Dear readers, I got my final exam date and it's from 29 September. In this period I won't be able to update or the update will be very slow. So, please don't bother about updates and be patient with me. Thank you. 😇

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Comments (13)
goodnovel comment avatar
Ashee Issah
Author why since 29th Sept upto 30th Oct no update why do you want us to stop reading your stories
goodnovel comment avatar
Khusboo Prajapati
plss update fast it has been month plss
goodnovel comment avatar
Muskaani shah1
I love such stories where at last husband n wife get together please author please

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