
Monty I in the Cell

"I'd love to go talk to the prisoners." She said, standing up on her feet.

"Fabby Princess?" Pops called.

She turned to face him.

"Are you certain that you know where to find Mr Glacier?" He asked.

"I wouldn't say certain, it was a one time thing, but if you'd allow me to continue my job, I could get you more info." She decided to pull the guilt card on him.

She watched him reflect on it for a moment.

"Ok, but you'll have someone with you." He finally said.

"No Pops, no one, not even you. I think I can pull it off the same way I started it." She said firmly.

"Fabiola I…" he started to object.

"You need to trust me, and trust that you'll be the first person I'll call if I sense danger. I'm not gonna wait for the threat to be enormous before pulling you in." She furrowed her eyebrows, pulling a half puppy face.

"You are asking me to give myself a heart attack." Pops stated.

She laughed softly, "It would not happen." Somehow, she was coming here being angry and worried because of what Br
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