
Chapter 75

Tania's pov

"You are excused" I respond to her words rather coldly, I had no intention of being icy or strict,

I do understand her feat and knowing how strict alpha Kai is, his orders are always obeyed.

It's a simple rule in the pack and every single wolf took it by heart and followed his rules.

You do not touch whatever belongs to your master or mistress, those were one of the main laws of the pack.

If truly someone had caught her touching such an expensive necklace it might have truly ended in a bad manner.

However nothing like that happened, she could have placed it back by the edge of the bed which she took it from but she didn't.

She decided to ruck it into her pocket and now she had made up some flimsy excuses about losing it on the park grounds while cleaning.

As much as I love Ella as a personal maid I do hate liars wholeheartedly, I sniff slowly as she bows with her eyes filled with tears to the brim.
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