


All the things that Adam had disclosed to me come rushing back to my mind, haunting me like ghosts from the past. His revelations about Sophia's manipulations and deceit weigh heavily on my conscience, reminding me of the tangled web of lies and betrayal that surrounds us. It's a relentless barrage of memories and emotions, each one a sharp reminder of the pain and turmoil that Sophia has caused.

However, I can't help but blame Adam for allowing Sophia to wield such power over him, even after our marriage. I struggle to forgive him for his infidelity. The wounds he inflicted run deep, and the scars they've left behind make it difficult for me to move past the hurt and resentment I still feel towards him.

I've never been his priority, whereas Sophia always has. Now that Sophia has betrayed him so badly, he thinks he can come running back to me? The audacity of his actions is infuriating, and I refuse to be his fallback option after everything he's put me through.

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