


My retort is sharp, my tone defiant as I refuse to yield to their intimidation.

"I'm here for the bidding, what else do you want me to say?"

But instead of a serious response, their reaction catches me off guard. Elodie and Eva erupt into laughter, their mocking tones reverberating through the room like a discordant melody.

Their laughter grates on my nerves, but I refuse to let them see my vulnerability. Instead, I join in, my laughter mirroring theirs. Their expressions shift from amusement to confusion, as if they expected me to crumble under their mockery.

“How can a poor person as you buy anything from here?”

Elodie continues mocking me, while Eva does not waste any time to chime in.

“Are you sure you got the right address?”

“Better you go home, instead of embarrassing yourself.”

Elodie is really getting on my nerves. She's neither my mother nor my mother-in-law, so she has no right to boss me around like this.

Now that I am interacting with them, I ask them the most i
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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Heather W
So is this US dollars or some other kind of currency because a billion dollars in cash is never going to be a card swipe lol. That will ALWAYS require approval, confirmation and a bunch of other steps. There are small countries with a national debt around a billion dollars.

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