
Chapter 2

Quinn stared straight at Chase. There was an arrogant look on her face.

Her secretary, Elaine Parker, looked at Chase in disdain. How could a penniless man like him be good enough for their CEO?


Chase replied nonchalantly, “Although, that won’t be up to you to decide. This marriage was decided by your grandfather. You can wait until I’ve cured your grandfather so he can dissolve this marriage personally. If he's willing to do so, I will honor his decision.”

Quinn felt even more disdain for him when she saw him refusing to give up. “I’ll be in charge of my own marriage. Also, I’ll figure out my grandfather’s situation. There is no need for you to worry about it.”

She quickly scribbled on a check. “Here's a check for five million. If you’re willing to dissolve the marriage between us, this money is yours.

“Five million is nothing to me, but for those in the lower tier of society like you, it’s enough for you to survive your entire life. I believe you won’t reject my offer.”

A sarcastic smile appeared on Quinn’s face. She looked like she was donating money to a beggar.

Chase replied nonchalantly, “You can keep the check. I may be poor, but I never accept money I don’t deserve.

“I’ll say this again. I’m fine with dissolving the agreement, but Charles Norris has to be the one to do it.”

After that, Chase pushed the door open and left. He was decisive about it and walked off without looking back.

“Miss Norris, that man has no idea what he’s talking about. Why were you so polite to him?” Elaine asked angrily.

“He’s just acting out because of his pathetic pride.”

Quinn bit her lip and said furiously, “It'll be difficult for him to survive in South River City without money. I bet he’ll be back within three days.”

“Let’s stop talking about him.”

She shook her head and said, “By the way, Elaine, help me make an appointment with Sam Collins.

"I heard that he was suffering from the final stage of cirrhosis five years ago and the hospital informed him that he was as good as dead. But he was cured by a miracle doctor called the Medical Saint of Hell’s Gate.

“If we can manage to get this doctor, there'll be hope for Grandpa. Let’s see what Chase Collins has to say when Grandpa personally dissolves the marriage agreement between us.”

Her eyes were blazing fire when she said this.

Chase was headed toward a taxi by the roadside. He looked around the familiar street. There was determination burning in his eyes. “I’m finally back, my sisters. Your Rocky has returned to avenge you!”

There was a cold expression on his face, and he looked like another person.

Chase had grown up at an orphanage before he was 11. There were seven girls who had grown up there with him. The youngest of them was only a month older than he was. The oldest of the girls was five years older than Chase.

All seven of them treated him well, and they were very protective of him. He was the first person on their minds whenever they had something nice they wanted to share. They even promised to marry him together after they grew up.

Unfortunately, a fire broke out at the orphanage when Chase was 11. Everything was burned down, and none of them were able to escape it because they had chosen to save Chase.

That was how Chase managed to get out alive while the rest of them died in the fire.

After that, Chase was saved by an old priest who taught Chase everything he knew. Before he died, Chase inherited the moniker of the Medical Saint of Hell’s Gate from him and was given the task of protecting the children of the old priest’s past lover.

Chase had come down the mountains to fulfill the old man’s dying wish and take revenge.

He wanted the murderer of his sisters to all go to hell!

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