
Chapter 164

It was a heinous crime to go against the rules, even just a little.

After Silvia ran into the bus station, Ryan stood in place and raised his hand to wipe his lips, which still seemed to be stained with the scent of the fragrance of her lips.

It made his heart sway.

After standing like that for a while, he turned around and returned to the car.

Autumn in the back seat watched the two people’s every move very carefully as they stood outside. After Ryan started the car and drove away, she asked him curiously, “Papa, do you like Mama?”

It was said that children had no inhibitions when they spoke.

Ryan was dumbfounded by his daughter’s question.

Did he like her? He suddenly did not know how to answer this question, so he turned and asked his daughter, “Why do you ask that?”

Autumn put her hands on her cheeks and answered adorably, “Aunt Nora said that you will only be willing to kiss someone if you like them.”

As her aunt had instilled such thoughts in her, Autumn took it for gran
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