
Chapter 13 - Meeting

“Teacher Cassie, this is my father, Liam Chapman,” Lukas says with pride. “Father, this is Teacher Cassie.”

When Liam Chapman approaches, I stand up and step back, hitting the back of my knee on the couch. His dark eyes are trained on me. He stretches his hand, and I retreat from him.

“Nice to meet you,” he says. He takes my hand and shakes it. His grip is solid and warm. “I have heard so much about you. My son has been raving about you.”

“Dad!” Lukas complains. “That’s not true!”

Liam grins at his son and steps closer to me again. This time, his smile is on me as if we are old friends and he has known me forever. Well, he knows me, but on... only on a more physical level. His fingers brush my hand as he says, “I have wanted to meet you for a while, but you might reject the invitation.”

Of course, I will! My mind screams. He is a picture of a dumb, but very sensuous mistake! Or rather, he looks as good as the day I thought he was Mr. Ellis.

“It’s okay,” I say quickly, though I am conflicted about whether it is really okay. I don’t want to meet this man again after what happened last time. Giving my virginity to a total stranger, what the heck was I thinking?!

‘Lust and revenge,’ I answer myself. That’s what I was thinking back then.

“Can I meet Mrs. Chapman, or is it Mrs. Reeves?” I ask.

Liam chuckles softly, and my face grows warm under his stare. “My son is using his middle name. It would be hard if his classmates knew he was a Chapman.”

“Right,” I say. I didn’t even attempt to check—what a dumb mistake.

“I saw my son’s exam result,” he starts. “It’s the first time he passes all his subjects.” He pauses. “I guess his teacher must have put in some extra help.”

I glance at Lukas. Liam might have noticed it because he says, “Lukas, can you leave your teacher and me for a while?”

“I need to be here to ensure that Teacher Cassie won’t say anything she shouldn’t have.”

Under Liam’s gaze, all I can say is, “I think that’s exactly what I am going to do.”

Liam chuckles. It is a nice sound, and I can’t help but look at him. Then, realizing I am being mean to his son, I whisper, “Sorry.”

“There’s no need to apologize for,” he says, and to his son, he orders, “Lukas, go up to your room now. Otherwise, I will invite Teacher Cassie to my study room.”

I flush at that—all thoughts of kissing him in the study room crop up in my mind. I look away so that both father and son won’t notice.

“But—” Lukas starts.

“No buts,” he shifts his eyes to me. “You brought your car, or did you commute?”

“I brought my car with me,” I say.

Liam glances at Lukas again. “What did I say?”

Grumbling, Lukas obeys. He looks at me with a warning and then leaves the room.

“There goes my son.” He shifts his attention to me and massages his chin as if studying my reactions.

“Your son has an inspiration,” I blurt out. I am just glad that we are talking civilly like this. I hope he won’t go to the topic of us having mind-blowing sex in the hotel. “He is enamored with a smart girl who is also the current science quizzer in our school.”

However, when his eyes go to my lips, I feel anxious.

“Ah yes,” he murmurs. “He always wanted a smart girlfriend. Although, he doesn’t know it yet. Every smart girl that he meets is not-so-pretty, so he would always complain.” He clears his throat and looks me straight in the eye. “I have to admit. I missed your phone call. I have been waiting for it.”

My heart races as if someone is beating it up inside my body. “There’s no need to call my student’s father. Besides, Lukas’ progress is pretty good.”

He steps forward, and I retreat towards the front door. I look around. I take my small bag and then say, “I will have to go. There is still schoolwork, and I need to work on the strategy for coaching our journalism team.”

“Oh, you are busy,” he remarks.

I nod. “I will leave then.” I hope he won’t make me stay longer than necessary because I am already in flight mode. I definitely need to escape him.

“But please visit us in the future.” Liam bows slightly. He gives me a chance to bow back, and when we are about to separate again, I am surprised when he grabs my wrist.

“Cassie, as you requested, I told my ex-wife about us.”

I stop breathing and gaze at him.

“And she told me congratulations on my first sex for a long time. I—”

I raise my hand to stop him. My lips are trembling in shame, and I know I am very red now. “Please don’t say anymore!”

“About?” he asks.

“That was just a mistake! I thought you were Mr. Ellis.” My voice cracks in embarrassment.

“It is good that I am not him, right?” He smiles.

I purse my lips instead. Then I realize that Liam is still holding my wrist. “If you can, will you please let go of my hand?”

He smiles again, his eyes never leaving my face. 

I try to tug my arm away, but he didn’t let it go quickly. He draws me closer and when I try to pull harder, he kisses my cheeks. “See you soon, Teacher Cassie. “

My cheeks grow hotter. I can no longer count how many times my face turns red in the first few minutes we meet again. When Liam releases me, I run away. My heart is beating so hard that I feel dizzy. I think I need to drive slowly tonight.


When I arrive home, Mark is waiting for me outside the house. He approaches and asks, “Where have you been? It’s late already!”

“I was at school. Then I drop off my students,” I say quickly. “Is there something you need from me?”

Mark sighs and places a hand on my shoulder, his fingers pressing against my skin. “You are my girlfriend and I haven’t been seeing you a lot. So, I don’t want you to go anywhere again tomorrow until late at night or early morning the next day,” he says firmly.

I am about to frown, but stop the expression from showing on my face. “But—”

“It’s important!” he insists, his fingers tightening its hold on my shoulder.

I will go nowhere this weekend, but I just don’t like it. Mark no longer has a hold on my life. “It’s important to you, but not to me,” I respond.

He looks taken aback. “I know what you are doing, and I don’t like it.”

“What am I doing?” I snort. “Never mind that. I have a massive amount of schoolwork that I need to finish.” I yank my shoulder free from him and walk to the front door as if I have lost patience with him already.

Mark runs after me and stops me from opening the door with his hand on top of mine. “Don’t be stubborn!” he whispers harshly.

My eyes narrow at him. I don’t know why he is being difficult. “What are you insinuating, Mark?”

“You ARE seeing Lukas Reeves, your student!” He shouts, then hastily adds, “Don’t deny it!” 

My fury erupts like a volcano. “You think I’m having a romantic relationship with my student?!”

“Why else would you be going to his house—”

He barely finishes his sentence before I throw my arm out and slap him hard. He rocks sideways, his face contorts in pain, his cheek flushed with a red handprint.

“You think I would stoop so low and sleep with my student?! What kind of person do you think I am?!”

His mouth drops open in shock. After a moment, he replies in a low tone, “You never denied it.”

My voice rises in frustration. “Now, I am denying it! Mark, this has to stop! I don’t have the patience to deal with all your crazy insecurities. Let’s just break up!” I yell at him, completely forgetting that I should act like a docile woman who needs protection and guidance.

He steps toward me and tries to grab me again, but I dodge and push past him this time.

“No!” he screams at my face.

“Yes! Besides, we don’t understand each other anymore!”

“Relationships are supposed to be like that!”

“Well, not for me!”

He reaches for my hand and says, “Cassie, we just need more time together.”

“Which I don’t have,” I say, cutting him off. I am too tired to argue. I just want to go inside and curl up on my bed so I can forget everything that happened today—or everyone I met.

“Goodnight, Mark,” I say as I turn to go inside. “And goodbye. I hope you meet someone who can meet all your needs. Because I don’t want to be a part of your life anymore.”

“Cassie—” he calls out after me, but I ignore him and shut the door behind me with a thump.

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