
Momentary Happiness

Today as Biya came to the university she finds Hina and Ahad waiting for her. As she came near to them Hina moved forward to her and asked her in restlessness.

"Biya.....did Uncle scold you?"

"No....why are you asking?" Biya asked looking at her in surprise then Ahad told her.

"Actually Hina mean to say that have you told him that about yesterday's fight, so...."

"What are you guys uttering? Was that matter that important to tell them? was just an ordinary issue....and now I can't tell every single thing to my family.... you both guys are totally jerks." Saying in her normal voice she walked and sat on the grass. Hina also said beside her and told her in a scared voice. She was still feeling trembling merely thinking about that man.

"But it wasn't some ordinary matter. Didn't you saw how many guards were with that man?"

"Ohh shut up, Hina.... don't know what's cooking in your that mind....he isn't God, he is just an ordinary man....yes but the difference is that he has some more money that's why he takes five to seven dogs with himself for roaming....and..."

"And what?" Leaving her talk in mid Biya stood up taking her bag and books. While Hina also followed her and asked her.

"And...." Biya glanced at Ahad and smiling she shrugged her unknown collar when said.

"Lion is always alone king of the jungle." She was resembling herself with a lion. On her saying that the three burst into laughter. While the students passing by were gazing at them with strange eyes. And the three while laughing went towards their class.


A filename on Zaman was in front of him as he opened his personal id. He opened the file then everything came in front of him. He fixed his eyes on the laptop.

"Mr. Zaman, an accountant in the garments factory. Salary thirty thousand. Mrs. Saeda, housewife. Two daughters Biya Zaman, student of M.A, age twenty-one... I am the only lioness. Haya Zaman doing graduation, nineteen years old.... pretty doll. Son Fahad Zaman, matric student, sixteen years age....a cricketer." And along with that their complete home address was mentioned. Sikandar was greatly busy with the file when a knock on the door happened.

"Come in." With his permission, Farid came inside and stood obediently in front of him waiting for him to get free from his work. There was an envelope in his hand.

"Yes, speak Farid." After a long while when Sikandar asked him then he forwarded the envelope to him.

"Sir, this....that girl's bio-data."

"Ohh, very nice Farid. Good job." Sikandar after holding the envelope picked up his wallet and took out a few thousand notes and forwarded them to him.

"No sir.... it's not needed."

"Why it's not needed. Take it." Unwillingly then Farid has to take the money.

"Sit...." After gesturing to him for sitting Sikandar then started opening the envelope. While Farid sat in the chair in front of him. As Sikandar opened the envelope, he found a lot of pictures and the whole family data was present in it. He put the pictures on one side. And as he started reading the information his eyes were getting wider.

He threw the paper on one side and picked up the pictures. Seeing the third picture, fourth, and then looking at fifth picture. That face how he can forget it. In the picture, she was wearing a blue dress, her blue sparkling eyes, and her pink lips which were slightly opened because of her smiling.

Talal and Farid both information were same. He took pictures of Biya Zaman and Mr. Zaman in front of his extremely red eyes. How he can forget these two faces.... never ever. In wrath, he twisted these two pictures and threw them away. He was squashing them under his feet while pacing in the room. Right now it was hard to decipher his restlessness, anger, and hatred.

"Farid... you know what's next to do?" He came near Farid and abruptly said loudly to him. While Farid getting scared backed off from him while answering him in stuttering.

"Y....y.....y.....yes sir. That will happen."


As Farid went out Sikandar Shah picked up these pictures from the ground. And glaring with his red blood eyes at them he shouted.

"Zaman you lived enough.... now the string of your life is in my hand.... you both father and daughter are going to pay me back for your every single deed.... I will make your lives a living hell... I will ruin you... your death will not be easy. You will beg for death but death will not come to you. I will ruin your so-called reputation such that you won't find solace and peace anywhere.... and Biya Zaman, you are very proud of yourself... you are like your father.... I will tarnish your belief, your pride, and your respect. I will not be Sikandar Shah if I don't let you live your life sobbing. Both father and daughter will burn in the fire you set up for someone else.... I will fill your whole self with hatred, Biya Zaman.... only today, only today you both father and daughter enjoy your happiness. Live your life last peaceful day." In contempt, Sikandar tore these pictures into pieces as if these weren't pictures but living bodies standing in front of him.

Right now he was at peak of hatred and rage.


Today Biya came to the shopping mall with her mother-in-law and her fiance to choose her wedding dress.

"Biya, Taimoor you both select a dress till then I will do some other shopping."

"Ok, Mom." After his mother leave, Taimoor diverted to Biya. Wearing a black plain dress with eyes fixed on the lehenga in front of her she was looking breathtakingly beautiful to him. Taimoor felt her very close to his heart.

"Taimoor, how is this lehenga?" He who was lost in his thoughts got startled by the voice of Biya and looked at the lehenga. The color of the lehenga was dark red and it was embellished with beautiful and unique pearls work. No doubt, that lehenga was pretty beautiful.

"It's beautiful...." He said.

"Definitely... I also find it beautiful."

"Ok, sir....pack this. Let's go we will eat ice cream." After packing the dress they both came out then Taimoor took her to the shop in the mall.

"Biya, are you happy...?" She was moving the spatula in the ice cream bowl when she got startled by the question of Taimoor. She finds his eyes filled with dreams and happiness while staring at her.

"Yes....if mama and Papa are happy then I am also happy." She instantly said. And Taimoor was extremely delighted by her response.

"But Taimoor..... you have to promise me that you will never hurt my mama and papa. You will always give them respect and consider yourself as an elder son of them. I'm like the whole universe for my papa. And now if my father is trusting you to give his whole universe to you then promise me you will not break his trust. I will also never break your trust and your family." She was speaking nonstop. On that, Taimoor quickly said.

"I promise you I will always live like an elder son for them. And I will give them the respect and care which I give to my father and mother.

"Thank you Taimoor." On her saying thanks, Taimoor was now staring at her and thinking how luckiest man he is that he got a life partner like Biya Zaman.

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