
Chapter 9- Hidden Friends

Chapter 9- Hidden Friends

Everyone is shocked when they see two cakes come out of the kitchen. Dad makes an announcement stating that we had all missed an essential member of the pack's big day and that I have elected to share my big day with her. Judith cried; everyone realized that she was ignored for so long; it was a huge ordeal. I slunk into the shadows and decided a walk alone in the woods was a more excellent gift than being stuck with the pack for any longer.

                “What is wrong with me?” I ask myself as I kick a nearby stick with anger. My anger has grown exponentially since midnight, and I am starting to feel the anger take root within me. “What are you doing outside of your territory, little one?” A soft voice calls to me. Taking count of where I am, I realize that I blacked out and have crossed all our territory and border. “Who are you?” I ask, calmer than I had expected to sound. Sniffing the air, I try and catch his scent but only find the faint smell of the forest. “You can’t smell me right now, little one. You took those pills your friend gave you. So I will do one better.” He says as he steps out from behind a tree, unties the bandana from around his wrist, and hands it to me. “Smell me later; for now, just know I am here on orders from Beta Brett.” He insists. I take the bandana and place it in my pocket, fully prepared to gather his scent later. “Why did Beta Brett send you? Who are you? What is your job here?” I demand answers.

                He moves back to the tree and casually leans upon it. “You are not scared of Lycan’s, I see.” “Why would I be?” I question. “We can change at any moment, and we are stronger and faster than you are. Our tempers are.” He stops and looks at me seriously for a moment before asking. “You have our temper. So, you know how quickly one can snap.” “Why do you think I have your temper?” I counter. “I am not your enemy.” “Give me one reason to think you aren’t,” I demand. “I am intrigued. Beta Brett was right about you. You are fearless, and you will be this packs saving grace if you play your cards right.” He smiles as he circles me. “Answer my questions,” I growl. “Keep your cool little one. Let me tell you everything that I know, and then you can decipher it when you get home and have time to think about everything. Sound good?” he asks calmly while sitting on a fallen tree. “Fine,” I grumble.

                He takes a breath and looks out over our territory. “When Beta Brett left, he left me here to watch over you. He felt that you may be someone to keep an eye on.” “Me?” “Yes, you. Now hush, I’m telling a story.” He gives me a side eye before continuing. “You are the strongest person in this pack. Even stronger than your father.” He stops to hold up a finger to ensure I don’t speak, and when he does, I cross my arms in irritation. “Then, the night of your prom, I saw what happened. I can still feel your broken heart. Pain like that does not diminish quickly. Then you commented how everyone smells sweet. That is how Lycan smells werewolves, disgustingly sweet. Even when the majority of wolves we encounter are the farthest thing from sweet.” He huffs. “Agreed,” I mumble. “Anyway, I watched the ordeal in the kitchen and what happened upstairs.”

“Have you been following me?” “I have excellent binoculars, and I stay out of the territory. So, whatever that answer would be. From the looks of things, it looks as though you are receiving traits of who you will be mated to. I know we behave in such a way, as do werebears, werecats, and a few of the others. They smell the sweet smell of werewolves as well.” “Ok, what do I smell like to you?” I counter, throwing him off course. “Different than you did before you turned 18. Your smell is not as sweet anymore; it is tolerable, even enjoyable, like you showered and washed off the stench of a werewolf. I don’t feel the need to get away from you because you stink if that is what you are asking?” “I guess it is.”

                We are silent for a few moments. “Ok, so are you here to kill me if I get out of line?” I finally ask. “Absolutely not. My orders are to protect you from anything, and everyone, including your pack, if it comes down to it.” “Why me?” I ask. “I have no idea. Beta Brett has never been wrong about anyone. He sees something special in you, and I understand why now. You are special.” “Where does your Alpha think you are?” “I shouldn’t be telling you this, but I want you to understand just how well you can do if you put your cards in the right order. Our Alpha is very sick. His son is to take over as soon as he passes. Brett thinks you will have the wisdom to take on our new Alpha and devise a solution to reclaim your King.” “Have they hurt our king?” I ask, just remembering that they have him and that it is a task I must remember to take on. “Oh no. He is having the time of his life. We don’t keep our prisoners in cells for long. Only for them to realize they are just on vacation until we get what we want. He has been swimming in the lake, hiking in the mountains, trying new foods, and much more. He may have gotten a splinter or a leach, but those are natural element issues that we cannot fully control.” He shrugs. “What is your name?” I ask once again. “You will not leave it alone, will you?” He chuckles. “If someone kills you, I need to be able to write to Beta Brett and give him the name of the person who is dead.” I blankly state. “Damn, I think you are one of us.” He sighs. “Alright, I am Gamma Matt. I am your protector from the Execution Bay Pack until further notice. My job is to watch you and ensure you stay safe no matter the cost.”

                We both freeze and spin around when we hear voices calling my name. “Who would be following me?” I ask in a whisper as I pull Gamma Matt behind the fallen tree with me. “I was busy watching you. I didn’t watch anyone else.” He shrugs as we look through a hole in the tree. “Those are Devin’s friends.” I mouth as I watch them walk to the edge of the territory and look around. “Where is she? The drugs should have kicked in by now!” Luis, the smartest of them all, screams at his friends before they all take off along the territory line at a full sprint. “They gave you drugs?” Matt questions me while taking my pulse and feeling my head. “Did you see anything?” As the words leave my mouth, I begin to feel dizzy. “Matt, I don’t feel well,” I announce before everything goes black.

                When I wake up, I am in the hospital. The machine makes a racket when I pull things off my body. “She is awake!” I hear Doctor Adams as she sprints into my room and tries to sit me back down. “Hang on. Let me help you, and I will let you get back up. I don’t want you to hurt yourself on all the wires.” She yells at me to get me to listen. I relax for a moment before seeing Mom’s frantic face come into view. “What happened?” I ask. “You tell me.” Her words sound angry as she enters the room. “Why am I in trouble?” “Why were you in the woods? Why were you with a Lycan?” She demands. “Why did Luis drug me?” I bark back at her. “At my birthday party, no less in front of the entire pack!”

The last wire falls to the floor, and I find myself standing toe to toe with my mother. “How do you know it was Luis?” Her voice is calmer now. “Because I heard him say they should have kicked in before I blacked out.” “So, it wasn’t the Lycan?” “No! He was protecting me by orders of Beta Brett.” “I need to call your father.” “Where does he have him?” I demand. “In the cells.” “We are leaving. Now.” I insist as I pull on my discarded clothing and leave the hospital.

                It takes less than 3 minutes to get to the house. When I walk in, Luis and the rest are making a statement to my father. “We saw him try and run off with her.” Luis lies. Without hesitation, I walk up to him, grab him by the back of the neck, and half drag his stumbling self down to the cells. “Open the Lycan’s cell. NOW!” I demand the guard, using my Alpha tone. “Gamma Matt, let’s go,” I call him as the cell opens. As soon as he exits the doorway, I toss Luis into the cell.

“This cell does not open for anyone; do you understand me.” I threaten the guard, “Not even the Alpha.” I hiss as I turn my attention to my father. “Let’s go,” I state as I begin walking out with Matt behind me. “What did I do?” Luis calls out. Instantly I turn and walk back to his cage, reach through, grab him, and pull his face into the bars. “You drugged me, and then you lied to my father. Why.” I demand in such a quiet tone that everyone is standing in fear. “For what you did to Devin.” He whimpers. “Why did you lie to my father?” I demand just as quietly. “Because we thought that if we could get the Lycan in trouble, your father would bring Devin back to help protect you.” He cries. “Names, now.” My father demands.

                Luis crumbles and lists the four other friends who assisted in drugging me without hesitation. “I will be back to deal with you myself. You will not be privileged to walk away from me as Devin did.” I whisper into his ear. “Briar?” Gamma Matt softly calls me, keeping his distance. “Yes?” I ask him in a kinder tone. “May I ask you for some dinner?” His question is so out of the ordinary. Yet, it hits a place inside my heart, and instantly I let go of Luis. “I will deal with you later,” I grumble one last time before leading everyone back upstairs.

                I confirm Gamma Matt’s story over sandwiches and watch as my father apologizes profoundly. “I understand your concern over your daughter. I remained outside your territory until she was in trouble and needed help. My orders are to keep her safe at all costs.” Matt confirms. “That is very kind, but why are you watching over my daughter? What is it that they feel they need to protect her from?” Dad asks him before looking over at me. “Can we speak in private?” Matt requests. Dad and Mom make their way from the room to a quiet place to talk privately. So, naturally, I follow to listen in on a conversation even more because it has to do with me.

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